12 Verbs to Use for the Word brest

She armes the brest with constant patience Against the bitter throwes of dolours darts: She solaceth with rules of sapience 135 The gentle minds, in midst of worldlie smarts: When he is sad, shee seeks to make him merie, And doth refresh his sprights when they be werie.

Thorowgood, Not clouds of lightning, or the raging bolt Heavens anger darts at the offending world, Can with such horrid rigor peirce the earth As these sad words I must demonstrate to you Doe my afflicted brest.

As the hands of the clock, whose ticking alone broke the stillness of the room, reached thirty minutes past twelve, the receiver at the inventor's ear began to hum, br-br-br, as distinctly as the sharp rap of a pencil on a tablethe unmistakable note of the ether vibrations sounded in the telephone receiver.

I have lost all sense Of pitty with my womanhood, and now That once essentiall Mistress of my soule, Warme charity, no more inflames my brest Then does the glowewormes uneffectuall fire

what horror doth inuade my brest!

When any man spake to him, he would lay his hand vpon his brest and bowe himselfe, but would not speake.

How then should I, without another wit, Thinck ever to endure so tedious toyle, Sith that this one is tost with troublous fit Of a proud Love, that doth my spirite spoyle? Cease, then, till she vouchsafe to grawnt me rest, Or lend you me another living brest.

observe, doe but observe: Heere one walks ore-growne with weeds of pride, The earth wants shape to apply a simile, A body prisoned up with walles of wyer, With bones of whales; somewhat allyed to fish, But from the wast declining, more loose doth hang Then her wanton dangling lascivious locke Thats whirld and blowne with everie lustfull breath; Her necke in chaines, all naked lyes her brest, Her body lighter than the feathered Crest.

but let this King retire Into his Closet to put off his robes, He like a Player leaves his parte off, too: Open his brest and with a Sunne-beame search it, There's no such man; this King of gilded clay

This heart there will I perce, and reve this brest The irksome life, and wreke my wrathful ire Upon my self.

Out of that feare Will I beget truth; for my selfe in person Will sound the Kings brest.

Honour, whence it came To tyrannize or'e ev'ry brest, Was not then suffred to molest Poore lovers hearts with new debate; More happy they, by these his hard And cruell lawes, were not debar'd Their innate freedome; happy state; The goulden lawes of Nature, they Found in their brests; and them they did obey.

12 Verbs to Use for the Word  brest