15 Verbs to Use for the Word brevity

'This catalogue,' says he, 'might be considerably extended, but I study brevity.

Miss Rodney never wasted time, and in matters of business had cultivated a notable brevity.

Many particularities are of importance to one man, though they appear trifling to another; and it is always more safe to admit copiousness, than to affect brevity.

SUPERIOR "Your ladyship will forgive the brevity of my present letter.

It is wealth and weight of thought, and nothing else, that gives brevity to style, and makes it concise and pregnant.

But when the errors are on a large scale, while we lament the brevity of human life, we shall in any case, do well to lag behind our own age when we see it on a downward path.

He misunderstood both her brevity and the following silence.

I omit many other circumstances of this expedition, because the plan I have prescribed requires brevity.

To secure brevity, en avant is always understood to imply en arrière when the latter is not expressed.

What will he say when he sees the necessary brevity of your performance?

It was from Houston, and showed the usual terse brevity of his style: "FELLOW CITIZENS:

" But who can here supply the brevity of the historian, and report the whole of what the apostle said to Felix on these important points?

'Charles II.,' said Thackeray, with unerring brevity, 'was a rascal but not a snob.'

But, take which mode of naming we will, our ordinary expression of these things should be in neither extreme, but should avoid alike too great brevity and too great prolixity; and, therefore, it is best to make it a general rule in our literary compositions, to use the full form of proper names for the months and days, and to denote the years by Arabic figures written in full. OBS.

Now dreams seem long: we only discover afterwards and by accident their almost incredible brevity.

15 Verbs to Use for the Word  brevity