49 Verbs to Use for the Word broadside

"See here, Mr. Barnett, you're not going to fire a broadside of disturbing questions at my patient yet a while.

While the conflict raged the hottest in this quarter the gunboat Tyler passed slowly up the river to a point directly opposite the enemy and poured in a broadside from her immense guns.

The nearest pirate was now within two or three hundred yards of us, and, putting her helm down, gave us a broadside from her guns.

As the latter came abreast of them, the huge galleys delivered their broadsides right and left, and their heavy ordnance produced a startling effect.

Surely not, yet the boat had to leap forward, and then turn broadside too, as it swept aft toward the main chains, before I succeeded in seeing what remained partially concealed between the thwarts in its bottom.

After a few broadsides, we brought our starboard broadside to bear on the Fish-market, and our larboard side then looked to seaward.

He thrust his head out of the window, and discharged a broadside of at least ten pounds' worth of oaths (Bow Street valuation) at the servants, who were examining the broken wheel, with a side volley or two at Mrs. Lavington for being frightened.

It was Spalding's third shot in all his life at a deer, and he insisted, gravely enough, that he did not fire while the game was standing broadside to him, on account of his desire to give the animal a chance for his life.

Why on earth couldn't you leave well-enough alone?" Uncle John received the broadside with tolerant equanimity.

" The slatternly woman ran her guns out and returned the broadside with promptitude.

I 'most wish I was a eel!" Dabney was on the point of opening a whole broadside of eloquence, when Ford Foster pinched his arm, and whispered, "Your mother's coming, and our Annie's with her.

"Fire!" cried the commodore, and the cannon of the President sent a broadside of heavy shot against the impudent stranger.

Fernando was sleeping when the discovery was made, but was soon roused and saw soldiers hauling in the Oneida so as to lay her broadside to the approaching enemy.

"No doubt it was, because, to effect this, the vessel was hove on one side, and while in that situation, a sudden squall threw her broadside into the water, and the lower deck ports not having been lashed down, she filled, and sunk in about three minutes.

And now I perceived that she lay full broadside on to us, and that her three masts were gone close down to the deck.

" We were drifting broadside in the current now, sweeping down the coast and sinking at the same time.

The instant the governor saw this, he hauled his wind and beat back again, passing the broadside of the ship with perfect impunity, her people being too much occupied with their own situation, to think of their guns, or of molesting him.

They must never be allowed to come broadside to the stream, for being flat-bottomed they would at once be capsized and everything in them lost."

We passed along the line of German ships some miles away and let off broadside after broadside.

It struck the pirate broadside, and John Stevens last saw the vessel amid a mountain of waves and spray struggling to right itself.

As soon as the schooner's bow touched the ground, she swung round broadside to the sea, which immediately began to break over her in a fearful manner.

Fire!" Mr. Easthupp clapped his hand to his trousers, gave a loud yell, and then dropped down, having presented his broadside as a target to the boatswain.

To the right and left the barren mountains reared their enormous baldness to the sun, deserts raised up broadside, as it were, and set on end, that their bareness might be the better seen and known to the world around.

As he approached the stream his heart began to thump; he summoned up, however, all his resolution, gave his horse half a score of kicks in the ribs, and attempted to dash briskly across the bridge; but instead of starting forward, the perverse old animal made a lateral movement, and ran broadside against the fence.

fire, volley; platoon fire, file fire; fusillade; sharpshooting, broadside; raking fire, cross fire; volley of grapeshot, whiff of the grape, feu d'enfer [Fr.]. cut, thrust, lunge, pass, passado^, carte and tierce

49 Verbs to Use for the Word  broadside