11 Verbs to Use for the Word buccaneer

" "You have no key?" "No, Senor; there are but twoone for the Captain and the other for him who commands the buccaneers.

The next year Commodore Porter, with a larger force, entered the pirate infested waters and almost completely destroyed the buccaneers.

The word filibuster comes from the Spanish "fee-lee-bote," English "fly-boat," a small, swift sailing-vessel with a large mainsail, which enabled the buccaneers to pursue merchantmen in the open sea and escape among the shoals and shallows of the archipelago when pursued in their turn by men-of-war.

He had married the daughter of a great merchant, a delicate type of beauty; the last to fascinate a buccaneer, according to the gossips of the time.

" "But, Senor, you forgetyour dozen men cannot guard the buccaneers below, and also manage the bark at sea.

The traders and planters of these islands and of others in the vicinity were not averse to having the buccaneers among them, for no sooner had the latter returned from a successful expedition than they spent, with lavish hand, the money which they had made.

Accordingly, the prisoners sent a deputation to Don Alonso beseeching and supplicating him to have pity on the prisoners, who with their wives and children were still on board the ship with Captain Morgan, and to give his word of honor to permit the buccaneers to pass freely; for if such a promise were not given, every one of those in captivity would surely be killed by the sword or hanged.

" "I would not injure the vessel, even should it prove a buccaneer.

Jack saw a buccaneer under the brush of the gold and the shadows of Spain; a robust, ready figure on fighting edge, who seemed to say, "After you, sir; and, then, pardon me, but it's your finish, sir!"

Firio surveyed the buccaneer for some time, squinting his eyes and finally opening them saucer-wide in approval.

If we only treated all commercial buccaneers and bumptious tyrants on the same terms, if we gently chided their brutalities as rather quaint mistakes in the conduct of life, if we simply told them that they would 'understand when they were older,' we should probably be adopting the best and most crushing attitude towards the weaknesses of humanity.

11 Verbs to Use for the Word  buccaneer