26 Verbs to Use for the Word bun

All that was wrong with MacPhee, as a matter of fact, was a very fair stomachache, the direct and legitimate result of eating six buns, half a coconut, three doughnuts, two ices, an apple, and a pound of cherries, and washing the lot down with tea.

I had a ride on a elephant"her eyes grew big with the memory"an' 'e took a bun with his long nose out of my hand.

No matter what the story books say, I am firmly of the opinion that no gentle knight (who was human) ever parted with the fair lady whose misery he had relieved without exchanging the time of day, or offering her a bun from his dinner pail, or finding out (for instance) if she were maid or married.

I believe he likes Mrs. Tanner: he used to like her buns when he was a boy, and I hope he has not forgotten the fancy.

He wished Miss Heydinger many happy returns of the day, apropos of nothing, and he threw a bun across the refreshment room at Smithers and hit one of the Art School officials.

To pass the time he turned into a small restaurant and had coffee and a plate of cakes, in spite of the fact that Patsy had so recently prepared coffee over the sheet-iron stove and brought some hot buns from a near-by bakery.

To market, to market, to buy a plum bun, Home again, home again, market is done.

"Here, take this," said the kind boy, handing him a bun which his mother had given him for his luncheon, "for I am not hungry, and if I was, I had rather see you eat it than eat it myself.

He stood sideways towards her and took the book rather clumsily, because he was holding the bun in the other hand.

The miserable little wood block which illustrated that first number would have disgraced a baker's whitey-brown bag, would have been unworthy to illustrate a penny bun.

In the first instance he was penitent immediately after the outrage, but in the second he added insult to injury by going across the room and asking in an offensively suspicious manner if anyone had seen his bun.

"Everyone's dead and gone, and they're selling buns there." "What do you know about Time?"

She had set a platter of sugared buns in the back yard to cool and was standing beside it, watching, so that the cat and dog should not steal the buns.

But there were bits of pig-skin stewed in oil; bean-cakes; steaming buns of wheat-flour, stuffed with dice of fat pork and lumps of sugar; three-cornered rice puddings, no-me boiled in plantain-leaf wrappers; with the last of the whiskey, in green cups.

Fresh Fruit Plum Porridge Cream Toast Cottage Cheese Whole-Wheat Puffs Toasted Wafers Graham Bread Stewed Fruit DINNER Pea and Tomato Soup Mashed Potato Stewed Celery Corn Pudding Rolled Wheat Graham Puffs Toasted Wafers Buns

Fresh Fruit Granola Fruit Mush Prune Toast Graham Fruit Bread Toasted Rolls Baked Sour Apples Stewed Fruit DINNER Tomato Cream Soup Potato Cakes Stewed Corn Steamed Rice Beaten Biscuits Buns Stewed Fruit Apple Pie or

Somebody has said, that to swallow six cross-buns daily consecutively for a fortnight would surfeit the stoutest digestion.

Stewed Fruit DINNER Cream Pea Soup Baked Potato Stewed Tomatoes Scalloped Vegetable Oysters Graham Grits Graham Bread Toasted Wafers Buns Stewed Fruit Apple Tart FIFTH DAY BREAKFAST

Mix all these ingredients well together; make a hole in the middle of the flour, and pour in the milk, mixed with the egg, which should be well beaten; mix quickly, and set the dough, with a fork, on baking-tins, and bake the buns for about 20 minutes.

For instance, you go into a shop, and you say to the man, "I want the largest penny bun you can let me have for a halfpenny."

In the aerated bread shop near South Kensington Station you would see him, breaking his bun and sipping his milk, with his eyes intent upon a paper of closely written notes.

Instead of doing her hair as usual in one severe penny bun at the back, she had constructed a halfpenny bun, so to speak, over each ear.

In the light of the tea-shop, where they consumed innumerable buns, one's eyes became dizzy with all these bits of shining metal.

"Oh, we can get the wardrobe mistress for a chaperone, but why talk shop; and besides she gets a bun on and goes to sleep in a hamper, and we girls have to pack our own bundles, and if she got soused while chaperoning the mob it would take away the otherwise proper air of refinement and leave us open to the gibes and scoffs of those who were not so fortunate as to be invited to our houseboat.

I always feel like giving the gentle creature a bun.

26 Verbs to Use for the Word  bun