32 Verbs to Use for the Word bunks

You haven't got no bunk.

In the dim light he distinctly saw a ship's forecastle, untidy bunks with frouzy bedclothes, and shiny oil-skins hanging from the bulkhead.

And then he held the candle high, and by its unsteady, sickly-yellow light he counted five bunks, one above the other, in the tier they were to sleep, built from the floor right up to the ceiling, with only sufficient space intervening for a human being to crawl into.

If I had I'd have given old Nugent the best bunk on the ship and sung him to sleep myself.

After supping, the men turned in; the Vineyarders mostly in the house, where they occupied their old bunks.

The captain obeyed mechanically and, turning a deaf ear to the inquiries of the men, prepared to make the best of an intolerable situation, and began to cleanse his bunk.

The sea was rough, and both Fernando and Sukey were too sick to leave their bunks long at the time.

The captain examined the contents of his pocket, and after considerable friction bought the bunk for a pound cash and

If not, I should like to hunt up a bunk.

Roberts caught his eye, and, with a nod and a wave of his hand, indicated the bunks.

"What with losing that nice, airy bunk and getting that nasty, stuffy stateroom, I don't feel like eating.

He overhauled the bunk and spread the blankets out on the wild rose bushes to sun while he cleaned the floor.

Then he passed the bunk again, and the faint noise recommenced.

"Better turn in and get a couple of hours' sleep," 'Frisco Kid said kindly, pointing Joe's bunk out to him.

The prevailing note was neatness; the biologist's microscope stood on a neat bench surrounded by enamel dishes, vessels, and books neatly arranged; behind him, when seated, rose two neat bunks with neat, closely curtained drawers for clothing and neat reflecting sconces for candles; overhead was a neat arrangement for drying socks with several nets, neatly bestowed.

Here Kansas Shorty paused and added in a whisper, "And wouldn't they be surprised if they knew the truth, that they had paid for their own as well as our meals, their new suits, their railroad tickets, and even the mulligan with their own money, as we are the ones who, during the darkness of the night robbed their bunks at the Golden Rule Hotel?"

Alongside the table ran two bunks, half-curtained, clean, cosy and inviting.

A few moments later the manager, having been apprised of the theft, entered the dimly lighted quarters, not to search the other bunks for their stolen property, but merely to console his robbed guests, so they would not report their loss to the police and cause unpleasant comment in the papers.

Finally the two chums, finding themselves exhausted and in need of sleep, broke away from the chattering throng and sought their bunks in the former Hun dugout.

"Say what yer like," said Tilda half an hour later as, having selected their bunks, the children composed themselves to sleep, "but Bill 'as the 'ead of the two.

" He stared at me across the narrow space separating our bunks, the shadows from the swinging lantern giving his features a strange expression.

He told me you fellows might fool him on a lot of things and that you were awful smart for kids, but he'd be hanged for a quarter of beef if you could make him swallow this bunk about talking through the air.

This manoeuver had turned French Pete's bunk from the lee to the weather side, and rolled him out on the cabin floor, where he lay in a drunken stupor.

If you are so fortunate as to be at the starting place of the train he will assign you a bunk and slip a card with your name written upon it into a little slot made for the purpose; the other bunks in the compartment will be allotted to Tom, Dick and Harry in the same manner.

He spun a coin in the air, and Mr. Chalk, winning the bunk for his indignant wife, was at some pains to dilate upon its manifold advantages.

32 Verbs to Use for the Word  bunks