20 Verbs to Use for the Word bureau

" John Effingham struggled to appear calm; and, replacing the pictures, he took the key from the dressing case, and, opening the bureau, he took out the secretary.

In 1893 the laws establishing State bureaus of labor become numerous.

You Zionists have got the most efficient publicity bureau on earth.

Mr. Letts left the answer to Mr. Green, and going to the van took up the bureau and walked back to the house with it.

Congress, by an act passed during its last session, 1890, created a weather bureau under the Agricultural Department and transferred to it the business of weather prognostication which had been tinder the Chief Signal officer in the War Department.

This plan was adopted in substance, and it was decided to transfer the bureaus of the government to Baguio for the coming hot season, so far as practicable.

He then ordered a bureau of the same material, and when it was finished invited his friends to see the new work; amongst others, the Duchess of Buckingham begged a small piece of the precious wood, and it soon became the fashion.

" The dealer, who had just placed the bureau on the tail-board of the van, came back wiping his brow with his sleeve.

As there was a great crowd round the "bureau" waiting to sign, a dozen loose sheets of paper to which the Representatives affixed their signatures were circulated in the great Hall and the two adjoining rooms.

At the bottom, at the end opposite the door, was a long table furnished with benches, which occupied the whole width of the wall, behind which sat the "bureau."

It is the main occupation of a certain set, and the per-capita output of gossip is a record that would stagger the census bureau.

In the corner of a lean-to whitewashed attic stood a fine, plain, solid oak bureau.

A story is told in the New York University Law School of a woman in Connecticut who took with her, as a part of her wedding outfit, a very handsome mahogany bureau, bequeathed her by her grandfather.

On the morning of the day when I was to receive the decoration, I was requested to attend the bureau of the adjutant-general.

It seems Kate was there, busy in the garret, unpacking a bureau that had been stored there, with some of Peggy's foreign purchases, for summer wear, in the drawers.

The material for the contents of the paper is gathered each week from a variety of sources: From letters, personal interviews, press chairmen of league and associations in the different states, from bulletins, newspapers, periodicals, reports of meetings and conventions, and from clipping bureaus.

You don' wan' come ad 'er 'ouse, eh?an' you don' wan' her to come ad yo' bureau.

The room into which they all crowded was no more than a closet, containing a dusty bureau propped on three legs, a few books, and Mr. Thomasson's robes, boots, and wig-stand.

The same author quotes Bailey's Dictionarium Britannicum, published in London, 1736, as defining the word "bureau" as "a cabinet or chest of drawers, or 'scrutoir' for depositing papers or accounts.

REIS EFFENDI, one of the chief Ministers of State in Turkey, who is Lord Chancellor, and holds the bureau of foreign affairs.

20 Verbs to Use for the Word  bureau