6 Verbs to Use for the Word burgs

I was going home after the showI mean entertainmentand Waldo, the fellow I went with before I got sense enough to blow the burg with a musical comedyWaldo started to walk home with me.

"On warlike enterprises into his enemies' land He spared the poor from ravage of fire with powerful hand; Whenever he encountered a warrior overbearing, He broke his burgs and slew him with dire revenge unsparing.

"The Teutsch Ritters build a Burg for headquarters, spread themselves this way and that, and begin their great task.

It is difficult now to find a trace of the wall which defended the burg on the side of the valley; but here, not far above the bed of the Alzou, are some ruins of the castle

The Scots greatly outnumbered Athelstan's men, who set up their tents at the narrowest part of the plain, giving their king time to reach a little "burg" (Old Bewick) in the neighbourhood.

Sur ses rudes parois Ce burg a le reflet de tous les anciens rois; Tous leurs évènements, toutes leurs funérailles, Ont, chantant ou pleurant, traversé ses murailles, Tous s'y sont mariés, la plupart y sont nés; C'est que flamboyaient ces barons couronnés; Corbus est le berceau de la royauté scythe.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  burgs