10 Verbs to Use for the Word cabby

"'Arf a mo' while I tell the cabby where to drive to.

"I'll make a start by calling the cabby.

I put him in a hansom then For home, and feed the cabby; But my reward was what most men Would call extremely shabby.

But what's the excitement here?" "Lady along there, siroffering to fight her cabby.

So he stepped briskly up on the carriage-block, and only hesitated when he saw that the prince, utterly ignoring the presence of the princess and Lady Diantha, was edging forward and cocking an alert ear to catch the address which Lanyard was on the point of giving the cabby.

" She lifted her voice and addressed the cabby again "Oh, you can talk.

'Right, sir,' rejoined cabby; and on we went.

" "Ah, g'wan wid yez," retorted the cabby.

I took a hearty leave of Captain Guy, shook Mary by the hand once more, rushed down stairs, roused the sleeping cabby, and glancing at the card, ordered him to gallop to 9 Ravisdock Terrace, Parmley Square.

Driving home, he paid the cabby, rushed up to his room three stairs at a bound, unlocked his safe and pulled out the great design.

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  cabby