34 Verbs to Use for the Word candour

To such a reader, it is impossible to refuse regard, nor can it easily be imagined with how much alacrity we snatch up the pen which indignation or despair had condemned to inactivity, when we find such candour and judgment yet remaining in the world.

" "Upon my word, Mr. Hayle, if I cannot appreciate your actions I must say I admire your candour.

' 'Do you really think it was acting?' inquired Lord Denyer, affecting a youthful candour and trustfulness which at his age, and with his experience, he could hardly be supposed to possess.

A smile answered his candour.

I am sure you will appreciate my candour? MANSON.

We approve Mrs. 's candour about the piano, which accords with our own experience in seaside boarding-houses.

Yet at this time, with all his aspirations after a state of greater perfectness, he was not able to bear the candour of Langton, who, when Johnson him desired to tell him sincerely wherein he had observed his life to be faulty, brought him a sheet of paper, on which were written many texts of Scripture, recommendatory of Christian meekness.

But elsewhere we find that he had lived very recently in the establishment of the Earl of Ashburnham, for he observes in the preface: "I beg the candour of the Public will excuse the incorrectness of the Language and Diction.

But let me first bespeak their candour, and a salutary diffidence of themselves, by one or two well-authenticated anecdotes.

But I will not further bribe your candour, or the reader's.

" We quite agree with Dr. Johnson; but a boiled leg of mutton, its whiteness transparent through the verdant capers that decorate its candour, is not to be despised; nor is a hash, whether celebrated as an Irish stew, or a hachis de mouton, most relishing of rifacciamenti!

She spoke more openly on the character of Lilla than she had yet done, for she thought their long years of intimacy demanded candour on her part; and each year, while it increased the evil of Lilla's present situation heightened her earnest desire to draw the father and child more closely together.

His exceeding candour and good nature must certainly have inclined all the gentler part of the world to love him, as the power of his wit obliged the men of the most refined knowledge and polite learning to admire him.

It at once exemplifies his perfect candour, and the real worth of his method of teaching.

The will, which is necessary to give consistency and promptness to our good intentions, cannot extend so much candour and courtesy to the antagonist principle of evil: virtue, to be sincere and practical, cannot be divested entirely of the blindness and impetuosity of passion!

So every Englishman must (at first) feel French candour to be mere brutality.

In fact it would be a salutary thing if other tradesmen imitated the "commercial candour" of the railways and ticketed their goods with the pre-war value in addition to the present charge.

The usual design of addresses of this sort is to implore the candour of the publick: we have always had the more pleasing province of returning thanks, and making our acknowledgments for the kind acceptance which our monthly collections have met with.

This is evidently his candid opinion, and I love candour in a friend; besides, we both hate Snooks.

Her simplicity of mind departs;her generous, confiding impulses of character are lost;she is no longer inclined to interpret favourably of men and things,she listens without believing,sees without admiring; has suffered persecution without learning mercy;and been taught to mistrust the candour of others by the forfeiture of her own.

" "Ah, how wonderful!" cried Neenah, with ravishing candour.

I had hidden nothing from her; she, however, had not reciprocated my candour.

Calamy's expression is a significant, if not a very complimentary one, as regards Burnet's candour (Life and Times, i. 59.).

It was always the same storythe charm and ideality of man's life always soiled by woman's influence; so it was in the beginning, so it shall be.... He stopped before the injustice of the accusation; he remembered her candour and her gracious innocence, and he was sorry; and he remembered her youth and her beauty, and he let his thoughts dwell upon her.

This is loving in a strange fashion; and it requires some candour of construction (besides the slight darkening of a dead language) to cast a veil over the ugly appearance of something very like blasphemy in the last two verses.

34 Verbs to Use for the Word  candour