4 Verbs to Use for the Word carefulness

During the early periods of the disease, all that is required are cooling diluents, given frequently, and in small quantities at a time; and upon approaching convalescence great carefulness must be paid to the amount of nourishment allowed, lest the disease be rekindled: strict compliance, therefore, to medical directions must be given.

But it is difficult to mingle and to bring together these two thingsthe carefulness of him who is affected by the matter (or things about him), and the firmness of him who has no regard for it; but it is not impossible: and if it is, happiness is impossible.

Thus, concerning the oath not to hurt, on which the Jaina lays the greatest emphasis: it includes not only the intentional killing or hurting of living beings, plants, or the souls existing in dead matter, it requires also the utmost carefulness in the whole manner of life, in all movements, a watchfulness over all functions of the body by which anything living might be hurt.

Her tone was so decided and so bitter that Mr. Tredgold, merely staying long enough to urge extreme carefulness in the descent, did as he was desired.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  carefulness