86 Verbs to Use for the Word cataloguing

| | | | Parties desiring Catalogues of any of our Publishing Houses | | can have the same forwarded by inclosing two stamps.

Junior Vogue patterns catalogue.

But this did not complete the catalogue of his discoveries.

" "Because it is a fine school with a half-century reputation," Bobby, who had studied the catalogue, informed her sister primly.

The exhibition of his works was held in 1809, and it was for this that Blake wrote the descriptive catalogue.

This, Schumann made the most wonderfully catholic and prophetic critical organ that ever existed for art; and in the editing of it he approved himself to posterity as a musical critic never approached for discriminating the good from the bad; for daring to discover and to acclaim new genius without fear, or without waiting for death to close the lifelong catalogue or to serve as a guide for an estimate.

"We can't wear very fussy things, thoughBobby sent me the catalogue.

Sometimes I work at compiling a catalogue of the collections for my own use.

" To continue the catalogue.

Sir, much as I have now stated, I have not finished the catalogue.

One of them, I think it not uncharitable to say, is, to conciliate the wealthy of the south, that they may send their sons to the north, to swell the college catalogues.

If any one wishes to know more on this matter, let him consult the catalogue of contributions from British Guiana to the London Exhibition of 1862; especially the pages from lix.

The investigations already undertaken, and described below more in detail, include a catalogue of the spectra of all stars north of24° of the sixth magnitude and brighter, a more extensive catalogue of spectra of stars brighter than the eighth magnitude, and a detailed study of the spectra of the bright stars.

The records of no nation had ever presented such a fearful catalogue of crimes as was now laid before the Parliament, and at such a crisis the statesmen to whom the tranquillity of the country and the safety of the citizens were intrusted were undoubtedly called upon to go back from the letter of the constitution to that which is the primary object of every constitutionthe safety of those who live under it.

" "What an extraordinary girl!" said Mrs. Fairfax, as Elinor opened her catalogue at the end, and suddenly disappeared to the right amongst the crowd.

John Smibert, painterwith a descriptive catalogue of portraits and notes on the work of Nathaniel Smibert.

The latest bibliographer of romances and tales, Mr. Arundell Esdaile, however, follows the B.M. catalogue in listing The Dumb Projector under the convenient name of Defoe.

" 1838 "Cambridge Observatory:On Dec. 29th, 1837, I had set Mr Glaisher to work in collecting the annual results for star-places from the Cambridge Observations, to form one catalogue: I examined the calculations and the deduced catalogue, and on Dec. 14, 1838, presented it to the Royal Astronomical Society, under the title of 'The First Cambridge Catalogue.

Nay, were there need, we might draw out the catalogue till it darkened with suicide.

It seems a matter of question whether one would be likely to make love or evince sorrow any more successfully by keeping in mind all the while the detailed catalogue of his flexors and extensors, and contracting and relaxing No. 1, 2, or 3, according to rule.

I am mortified now at having printed the catalogue.

Of his works we have not been able to procure a complete catalogue: he published, Quintilianus, 2 vols.

It would be difficult to guess how any such conclusion should be formed, had not experience shown that there are two sorts of men willing to enlarge the catalogue of infidels.

Colonel Goss has a very fine collection of mounted birds in the capitol building at Topeka, and he has recently published a catalogue of the "Birds of Kansas," which contains 335 species.

He relapses sometimes into the babbling style of the old chroniclers and legend writers; cites "auctours" and gives long catalogues of names and objects with a naïve display of learning; and introduces vulgar details in his most exquisite passages.

86 Verbs to Use for the Word  cataloguing