84 Verbs to Use for the Word catches

The rest of the green men have reasonable voices, good to sing catches or the great Jowben by the fire's side in a winter's evening.

He did not hope to top the market or bring down any notable catch.

Leaning with all their weight, they were able at last to turn the catch.

At the fifth knock the house shook, and a red-faced maid with her shoulders veiled in a large damp towel passed hastily down the staircase and, slipping the catch, passed more hastily still upstairs again, affording the indignant captain a glimpse of a short striped skirt as it turned the landing.

He was a lively, jocose fellow, with a libidinous countenance, singing always some catch of a song.

So they all set to playing catch-who-catch-can, till the gunpowder ran out at the heels of their boots.

He heard her breath catch, and as if some impalpable and joyous spirit rushed to meet and mingle with his, something from her, a spirit as warm as the fire, as faintly, keenly sweet as an air from a night-dark, unseen garden blowing in his face.

and she kept snapping the catch of her hand-bag with an irritating click as she spoke.

Many of them succeeded in getting a good catch of white whales, for which those waters are so noted; but these were caught at the mouths of the tidal rivers, for the whales go up the rivers every day with the tide, and it was when the tide was ebbing that the whales were most easily caught.

Leaning down, she released the catch of the famous pearls and unobserved concealed them in a handkerchief.

and I might sing some fair song together; dost thou not know a certain dainty little catch called 'The Loving Youth and the Scornful Maid'?

"If you're making a fair catch and a player on the other side runs against you intentionally or otherwise, you're interfered with, and the rules give your side fifteen yards," declared Rutland.

"I will make myself a cup of tea while you finish your writing, and then you shall exhibit the day's catch and hang your nets out to dry.

" Then, singing first with a voice deep and gruff, and anon in one high and squeaking, he blithely trolled the merry catch of THE LOVING YOUTH AND THE SCORNFUL MAID HE "Ah, it's wilt thou come with me, my love?

The Angler-fish puts his catch in his pocket, and begins fishing again, for he is never satisfied.

Stone and Robinson had left their comfortable beds that day at six o'clock, yawning and heavy-eyed, and had caught catches and fielded drives which, in the cool morning air, had stung like adders and bitten like serpents.

It is he, most noble patron, who can swallow the greatest quantity of porter, who can roar the best catch, and who is the compleatest bruiser, that will finally carry the day.

"You just lift this little catch up and turn it back, and that lets you get at the knot."

In the evening he sold his catch, and bought a little loaf of bread, on which he made his supper.

I heard Grady comment upon the fact that there was no door except the one opening into the ante-room, and saw them examine the window-catches.

Until the sun has really got to work, it is no joke taking a high catch.

" He could not find the catch.

"A fine scare you've given us," cried Rob, as they landed and flung down their afternoon's catch.

"I repeated my visit," he continued, "several times the same day, under any pretext I could inventto gather an orange, or other fruitto pluck a roseto frighten away mischievous birdsto catch the unobstructed breeze, or sit in a cooler shade; in which artifices I played a part that had before been foreign to my nature.

It gave them a catch of the breath as they looked at it.

84 Verbs to Use for the Word  catches