655 Verbs to Use for the Word cause

A lady asked to see me one day, to enlist my sympathies for her brother and plead his cause with the minister.

In the streets of a big city there is always a floating population ready to espouse violently any cause.

But as the fight went on, and Loyalists and revolutionists grew more and more bitter towards one another, the revolutionary followers found the same cause for hating the Loyalists as their leaders had found for hating the government.

My sudden surmise was correct, and now, I knew the cause of the wet and noise.

For I have hitherto given no denials, Nor has he given me cause; I have seen him wildly gaze upon me often, And sometimes blush and smile, but seldom that; And now and then found fault with my replies, And wonder'd where the Devil lay that wit, Which he believ'd no Judge of it could find.

For instance, if any happened to be affected with a fever, little anxiety was manifested to discover its cause, or to adopt rational measures for its cure; it must no doubt have been occasioned by some evil spirit residing in the body, or influencing, in some mysterious way, the fortunes of the sufferer.

Livingston hurried off to join Montgomery with four hundred 'patriots' who served their cause fairly well till the invasion was over.

I, who feared to ask myself the cause of this assurance, could only wait and search the partially visible face of little Ella for an enlightenment, which was no more to be found there than in the swollen features of the outraged Arthur.

We had not stopped many minutes, before a well-dressed man, wearing the appearance of authority, having ridden up, we asked him to explain the cause of their violent, and seemingly lawless proceedings.

" "Filth, manure, offal, dead carcasses, had been allowed to accumulate to such an extent, that we found, on our arrival, in March, 1855, it would have required the labor of three hundred men to remove the local causes of disease before the warm weather set in."

On inquiring the cause, I was made to understand that our noble host was taken suddenly ill.

I know Germans who are liberally supporting the Allied cause because they believe the defeat of Prussianism is essential to a civilised Germany.

We looked out to ascertain the cause of the disturbance, and saw that the house was surrounded by a party of men.

He told his taleits cause and effectin as few words as possible.

He found Schouvaloff always a brilliant debaterhe spoke French perfectly, was always good-humoured and courteous, and defended his cause well.

Several years were yet to elapse before the time came for taking up seriously the cause of prisons.

And now I understood the cause of the catastrophe.

But all three spring from one root; all three are carried out by men of like political ideals; all three are destined to promote the cause of ordered liberty throughout the world.

Why now does he accuse him of preferring one man's friendship, but acquit himself and the rest who warmly embraced the opposite cause?

The noise of the dispute had waked the patient, who, learning the cause of the disturbance, calmly begged they would give themselves no concern about him, but let him die in peace.

And, as Wyville Thomson suggests, in the passage I have quoted above (p. 17), it further enables us to assign a new cause for the occurrence, so puzzling hitherto, of thousands of feet of unfossiliferous fine-grained schists and slates, in the midst of formations deposited in seas which certainly abounded in life.

In the reservation of that right I have read them over with the most scrupulous attention, but have not seen in them the slightest cause on that ground to withhold them from you.

If that is your idea of free speech, if that is your notion of aiding the Union cause, and strengthening the hands of the Administration, I don't need to be in the confidence of the rebel authorities to tell you that they could ask no more powerful allies than you!

" Pope Pius IX (Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti) who at the age of fifty-four brought the power of his papal throne to advance the cause of Young Italyled by Mazzini and other patriotswas born at Sinigaglia May 13, 1792.

This personage was generally found in the society of LEE, JOHNSTON, POPE, HAMPTON, GREELEY, and those other fellows who did so much to injure the Union cause during the war.

655 Verbs to Use for the Word  cause