16 Verbs to Use for the Word chef

Somebody else called up the Rettung chef and the doctor.

Fanatisés par les incroyables conquêtes d'un de leurs chefs, le fameux Gengis-Kan; persuadés que la terre entière devoit leur obéir, ces nomades belliqueux et féroces étoient venus, après avoir soumis la Chine, se précipiter sur le nord-est de l'Europe.

"Monsieur," he said, "with your permission I go to consult the chef.

Mr. Fairholt, in the "Archaeological Album," 1845, has depicted for our benefit the chef of the Abbey of St. Albans in the fourteenth century, and his wife Helena The representations of these two notable personages occur in a MS.

When I went to 218, I found only the chef, and he told me the party had gone for a ride.

" "Got a good chef?

He 'didn't want to be bothered,' he said; he maintained that he 'could make more money in ten minutes than he could save in a year by checking the housekeeper's accounts'; he 'could live on coffee and pie,' but if he chose to hire the chef of the Cafe Anglais to cook for him at five thousand dollars a year he 'didn't want to know the price of a truffled pheasant or a chaudfroid of ortolans.'

" "This is Madam La Fleur," interpolated Miss Panney, "the celebrated chef who cooks for Dr. Tolbridge.

"Just at that moment I happened to be downstairs killing the chef for putting mustard in the blanc mange.

I shall dine here to-day, and I shall enjoy the meal so much better because I know the chef who prepared it.

All that it had been necessary for him to do to have the party was to tell Mr. Sadducee, his secretary, that he wished to have it and direct him to send the invitations from List Number One and then to tell Bibby the same thing and to order the chef to serve Dinner Number Fouronly to have Johannisberger Cabinet instead of Niersteiner.

Si le chef ou quelqu'un des officiers s'aperçoit que l'ennemi qui poursuit est en désordre, il frappe trois coups sur son instrument; chacun de son côté et de loin en loin en fait autant: en un instant tous se rassemblent autour du chef, "comme pourceaux au cry l'un de l'autre," et, selon les circonstances, ils reçoivent en bon ordre les assaillans ou fondent sur eux par pelotons, on les attaquant de toutes parts.

Sur ma route je rencontrai un de leurs chefs qui voloit (chassoit au vol) avec des faucons et prenoit des oies privées.

Mrs. Rutherford had probably never seen her own chef and Mrs. Pumpelly was afraid of hers.

Still, it had taken the chef and his kitchen-maids two hours to put everything right.

Je tiens le chef!

16 Verbs to Use for the Word  chef