16 Verbs to Use for the Word cinnamon

Cut in quarters; lay closely on the cake; sprinkle thick with brown sugar; add some cinnamon and a handful of currants.

INGREDIENTS.1/4 lb. of rice, 1-1/2 pint of milk, 2 oz. of butter, sugar to taste, grated nutmeg or pounded cinnamon.

Hojeda found mastick, aloes, sandal, ginger, frankincense, and some trees resembling cinnamon in taste and smell, and abundance of cotton.

I wanted to hunt the bad cinnamons and the grizzly sheep-killers, with which this rim-rock country was infested.

He crossed the canyon, an' climbed thet high east slope of Dude, goin' over the pass where father killed the big cinnamon three years ago.

INGREDIENTS.1 tablespoonful of sago, 1/3 pint of water, 1/4 pint of port or sherry, the rind and juice of 1 small lemon, sugar to taste; when the flavour is liked, a little pounded cinnamon.

Doc, he's one of them mean old cinnamons.

These people said that their country produced cinnamon, and two of our people were sent onshore to see whether this were true, who brought with them two green boughs which were said to be cinnamon, of which they had seen a large grove, but it turned out only to be the wild kind.

There is a cinnamon bear in one of the outside cages, whose claws remind one sharply that cinnamon and cloves go together, and that clove is a tense of the verb "to cleave."

Take two ounces of cloves, heads removed, four sticks cinnamon; tie these spices in a bag and heat with three pounds of brown sugar and one pint of cider vinegar slowly, nearly to the boiling-point, add the pickles and remove from the stove.

The distance was too great for an accurate shot, but Haught tried anyway, with the result that he at least scared the cinnamon off.

They spared neither the cinnamon, nor the allspice, nor any of the ingredients that might improve this punch for savages.

Butter the toast while very hot, thinly and evenly, and sprinkle over each piece some powdered cinnamon and sugar.

The gown she woreof deep cinnamon and goldwas still the dress of Zenobia, and at her bosom the strange flower exhaled its mystery.

He drew out another parchment and read again: "My Lord of Carlile's sack posset, how it's made: Take a pottle of cream and boil in it a little whole cinnamon and three or four flakes of mace.

The inner bark of the tree forms the cinnamon of commerce.

16 Verbs to Use for the Word  cinnamon