14 Verbs to Use for the Word clarence

"II couldn't help it," she faltered; "I couldn't leave Clarence in a city of five m-million strangersall aloneterrified out of his senses could I?

But how" "Wait," said Brown; and, addressing Clarence in a softly alluring voice, he began cautiously to crawl along the fences toward that unresponsive animal.

"Oh, nowhat nonsense!" answered Clarence

I'll die like the Dook o' Clarence.

"I suppose," said Brown, quietly coming back to where the girl was sitting in the golden dusk, "that I might as well find Clarence while we are waiting for your maid.

Just as she reached the seat where they were sitting, she threw up her hands in sudden anguish, gasped out, "Clarence!

" "Oh, pa," laughingly interrupted little Clarence; "I've been telling him of what you read to me about Nimrod being a great hunter.

I came down from a week-end at Stockbridge, where some relatives kept Clarence for us while we were abroad during the winter....

She slipped off this afternoon, and has been in their house over an hour; and it was only this morning I detected her kissing their Clarence through the fence.

The cellar door swung wide open above the stairs which ran down into darkness; and as he halted to listen Clarence dashed up out of the depths, scuttled around the stairs and fled upward into the silent regions above.

With pleasure,' replied Clarence; and into the park they lounged.

" Thus conversing respecting Clarence, they awaited the return of Mr. Bates.

"I do so dislike to have her go," said her mother, as her husband proposed that she should accompany Clarence; "she seems so small to be sent to school.

After greeting Mr. Balch warmly, he took Clarence by the hand, and led him into the room where his sister was sitting.

14 Verbs to Use for the Word  clarence