25 Verbs to Use for the Word claret

" He sipped his claret and studied her meditatively.

'I should drink claret too, if it would give me that; but it does not: it neither makes boys men, nor men boys.

" "You don't like your claret, I'm afraid," he remarked.

His habits, as regards eating, seem to have been generally abstemious; but he drank a pint of gin and water over his verses at night, and then took claret and soda in the morning.

If you use claret you may spice it while boiling with whole spices.

I thanked effusively half a dozen persons in turn, who had not sent the claret; then, hopelessly befogged, I had the wine bottled.

But you know her, of course, don't you think so?" "The Lady Ethelrida seems to me a very perfect young woman," Francis Markrute said, examining his claret through the light.

"A mere trifle," said my neighbor "on the right," with his most suave air and a twinkle in his eye as he finished the claret.

Peter handed the claret, and the old man proceeded:- -"They say he was very cross to her, and that, no doubt, must have made her unhappy, she was so very tender-hearted.

HOT WINE (GLUEH) Mix one quart claret, one pint water, two cups of sugar, one-half teaspoon of whole cloves, one teaspoon of whole cinnamon, lemon rind cut thin and in small pieces.

Little thin wraiths of mist or haze curled up from this molten mass into the rosy sky above, as if the gods on Olympus were mulling claret for a marriage feast.

Once she dropped a soup tureen merely because I looked at her rather attentively; she was continually missing my wine-glass and pouring the claret on to the table-cloth; and when I tested the edge of a poultry-carver, which had become somewhat blunt, she hurried from the room

The pleasant fellow whom I invite to dinner because he amuses me, carries a scar on his soul which it would frighten me to see; and he in turn, when he praises my claret, little dreams of the carking care that poisons it upon my palate, and robs it of all its aroma.

But though "the bard more fat than bard beseems" was restive under her ladyship's "poetical operations," and too plainly exhibited a desire to escape the infliction, preferring the Earl's claret to the lady's rhymes, she should have been a little more generously forgiving towards one who had already made her immortal.

I flatter myself that I know how to conceal my feelings,although I punished your claret cruelly, and was sick after it.

" "And what are you doing now?" "I buy and sell claret.

" "What we want," said a dark, ill-looking, but finely-dressed man, setting his claret down, "and what we have got to have, is"he was speaking in French, but gave the want in English"Representesh'n wizout Taxa" There his eye fell upon Frowenfeld and followed him with a scowl.

"Try this claret, my dear fellow, I want your opinion....

But the pensive dusk of the dining-room, which blackened the claret in the decanters, leaving only the faintest ruby glow in the glass which Hubert raised to his lips, suited the tenor of the conversation, which had wandered from the dramatic to the social side of the question.

The wines were as choice as the menu; but Sir Stephen watered his Chateau claret, and ate but little, excusing himself in the middle of a sentence with: "I'm setting you a bad example.

She chose the claret and sipped it tremblingly.

Leaving him to pursue his guileless way, we descended into the beech grove for our lunch, and finding grateful shade at the foot of a fine fir, we opened the saddle-bags and proceeded to regale ourselves, finding some snow that we brought from the top very useful to cool the rather heated claret.

We decanted the claret very carefully.

Milligan had even managed to bring in a few bottles of wine, and he had dispensed cheap claret at two dollars a glass when the miners wished to celebrate a rare occasion.

He liked my description of the fight, especially when I told him how Brassy "drew Caunt's claret," and showed such other knowledge of the scientific practice that no one could possibly have learnt had he not read up carefully Bell's Life for the current week.

25 Verbs to Use for the Word  claret