16 Verbs to Use for the Word cleansing

They were carried into and established themselves in the new barracks of Camp Cameron in Cambridge, Massachusetts; but they are never found in the Boston House of Correction, which receives its recruits from the filthiest dens of iniquity, because the energetic master enforces thorough cleansing on every new-comer, and continues it so long as he remains.

and how is one to begin the cleansing of this horrid pestilential immondezzio of an existence?

Perhaps it may even be discovered, to the still further detriment of our already painfully hampered and perplexed domestic system, that the pursuit of fun, votes, offices, is more remunerative, as well as gentlewomanlyas Micawber might express itthan the cleansing of pots and pans, the weekly wash, or the watching of the roast.

As for me, it is a doubt which has often agitated me, whether the central dogma of Judaism and Christianity alike can, after all, be really one of the inner verities of this our earthly beingthe dogma, that by the shedding of the innocent blood, and by that alone, shall the race of man find cleansing and salvation.

A signal must have been given, or an hour had comeJ.W. could not tell whichbut somehow the people knew that now was the opportunity to enter the water and gain cleansing from all sin.

You know that you need a divine Redeemer; you know that you need the divine pardoning of your sins; you know that you need the supernatural and divine cleansing of your hearts; you know that you need the divine, unbreakable promises; you know that you need this Word, and the way to salvation set forth in this Book of God, by which you know that there is none other name given under heaven among men, whereby we must be saved.

Her voice may not be heard Ere to the Lords of Them Below she pay Due cleansing, and awake on the third day.

Ye round this head on airy wing careering, Attend, in noble Elfin guise appearing; Assuage the cruel strife that rends his heart, The burning shaft remove of keen remorse, From rankling horror cleanse his inmost part: Four are the pauses of the nightly course; Them, without rest, fill up with kindly art.

When the other, and junior, capital was receiving its cleansing by fire in 1666, Winchester was being more than decimated by the plague, which was as direful here as anywhere else.

But he may refuse this cleansing, in other words, this judgment, revealed within; not against himself, as it must have been except for Christ's intercession, but against the evil nature in him, and in love to his soul.

But many had fallen into disrepair and most, if not the whole of them, required thorough cleansing.

and sin, abhorr'd, Shall ne'er defile again; The blood of Jesus Christ, the Lord, Shall cleanse from every stain.

You think, then, that there is a chance of staving it offby cleansing, I mean?"

In his admirable discourse, Judge Hanna said that while all these injunctions could, under certain conditions, be interpreted and fulfilled literally, the special lesson was to be taken spirituallyto cleanse the leprosy of sin, to cast out the demons of evil thought.

It also commands him to avoid all cleansing and washing, and to rest in the four months of the rainy season, in which animal and plant life displays itself most abundantly.

He hath confirmed and ratified all the promises of the covenant, which are ample and large, touching this cleansing and washing, Jer. xxxv.

16 Verbs to Use for the Word  cleansing