124 Verbs to Use for the Word clocks

They weigh over a pound, and have to be unlocked with a key in a manner not greatly differing from the operation of winding up the average eight-day clock, and fastened on to the prisoner's wrists, how, the fates and good luck only know.

I could hear the clock in the hall outside, and the beating of the vines against the window panes.

"Why, one April Fool's Day she set the clock back an hour and Mr. Gilligan got up grumbling that it was awfully dark for six o'clock.

Had the hour been the same as when I had last seen the clock, I should have concluded that the hands had stuck in one place, while the internal mechanism went on as usual; but that would, in no way, account for the hands having traveled backward.

Is it your custom to watch the clock while you eat?

When he bought himself a watch, he would buy a new clock for the dining-room down-stairs, too,a clock with no such asthmatic strike as the present one possessed.

We looked, and found this" "Ah, my new alarm clock!"

And when it came to the pull, the pull might stop the clock, and what would papa say then?

In total gloom the Vagrant sighs, 190 Stoops her sick head, and shuts her weary eyes; Or on her fingers counts the distant clock, Or, to the drowsy crow of midnight cock, Listens, or quakes while from the forest's gulf Howls near and nearer yet the famished wolf.

At times he made his appearance in a wild, haggard state, declaring that he should certainly be sent to prison that evening if he did not secure ten francs, and talking the while of smashing everything in the room or else of carrying off the little clock in order to sell it.

"She lighted the gas, and as it flashed up, there stood the old clock, the pendulum swung back and forth, the ticking went on, and its white old-fashioned face, looked out in calm serenity; but the dog was gone.

"But, Mr. Wheeler," said Mercy, half-frightened at his manner, yet trusting him in spite of herself, "do you really want to sell the clock?

Le's go!" XXII OUT OF SOUNDINGS When finally Lanyard did consent to seek his stateroomwith the pilot dropped and the Sybarite footing it featly over Channel waters to airs piped by a freshening breezeit was to sleep once round the clock and something more; for it was nearly six in the afternoon when he came on deck again.

Think of those days when the Sergeant-at-Arms of Congress could not turn back the clock in order to assist an appropriation at the close of the session, but when the light went out the session closed.

Well, I bit like a bass, and said we would do it, so he took a little alarm clock and set it for seven o'clock.

The day I get out of it, the day I don't have to punch that old time-clock down there next to the Complaints and Adjustment Desk, II'll never put my foot below sidewalk level again to the hour I die.

Finally the alarm clock quit jingling, and they caught the seal and pulled the clock off his tooth, and just then pa came up to me and said: "What deviltry you boys up to now?

It would be perfectly easy, if needful, to regulate all clocks by mechanical control through the electric network extended all over the face of the planet; but the perfect accuracy of each individual timepiece renders any such check needless.

I'm ragged enough to sleep the clock around.

He has very kindly given us this beautiful clock, almost exactly like ours.

They found him on this afternoon seated behind his counter mending an eight-day clock.

Although by dint of casual and cautious inquiries Mr. Hardy found that his partner's information was correct, he was by no means guilty of any feelings of gratitude towards him; and he only glared scornfully when that excellent but frivolous man mounted a chair on Friday afternoon, and putting the clock on a couple of hours or so, urged him to be in time.

* Hickory, dickory, dock, The mouse ran up the clock, The clock struck one, The mouse ran down; Hickory, dickory, dock.

This church outside is a noble-looking building, with massive pillars in front, and a bell-tower containing a town-clock; but the interior seemed comparatively small.

For comparing our clocks at the upper and lower stations of Dolcoath we had borrowed from the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, six good pocket chronometers: they were still in the care of Mr Sheepshanks.

124 Verbs to Use for the Word  clocks