9 Verbs to Use for the Word cockatoos

"Often Mr. Hume would have him bring his trained cockatoos.

A score of tiny silver bells tinkle from a silken cord around Chinna Tumbe's loins, and the silver whistle with which he calls his cockatoos is suspended from his neck by a chain of gold.

He plays the violin and carries some trained cockatoos upon a perch.

They do not like the cockatoos, but mostly stick to stations, Where they keep themselves from starving by cadging shepherds rations.

Among the birds observed, black and white cockatoos, swamp pheasants, and crows were the most numerous.

Our host tried hard to push the cockatoos on to us.

I was able, accordingly, to procure nothing in the shape of a fresh meal, save a few black cockatoos and some of the pigeons of a dark brown colour, with a white patch on the extremity of the wing, which I have alluded to in the earlier part of the work relating to King's Sound, as always inhabiting rocky districts and making a whirring sound, like a partridge, on the wing.

A flock of screaming white cockatoos had taken up their abode on the south island, where also some bulbs of the Angustifolia were found.

So Johnny Gilbert took the town (including public houses), And treated all the cockatoos and shouted for their spouses.

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  cockatoos