20 Verbs to Use for the Word completeness

Tina had found a weapon apt for the purpose, which she had already secured; and when they sat down to supper, considering the completeness of the preparations, nobody would have thought Adelaide's life worth six hours' purchase.

It will be observed that while each of the stories in this volume is wholly independent of the others and may be read without any knowledge of those which precede it, there is nevertheless a certain continuity from the first to the last, giving to the collection a completeness like that of a single narrative.

Peoples, like individuals, are far from representing with anything approaching completeness such social conceptions as we call violence and right, honesty and bad faith, justice and injustice; each people has its different characteristics, but no one people represents good, or another bad, no one represents brutality, or another civilization.

To make an index that shall combine completeness, succinctness, and clearness,how much intelligence this demands is proved by the number of failures.

But original purity was soon departed from; lawless passion was allowed to mar the beautiful completeness and concord of the marriage relation as instituted by God; and, in time, many even of those who were nominal worshipers of the true God, fell into polygamy.

But when we speak of a man's habitual condition, we mean his constant and absolute completeness of mind or body, in some particular pointas for instance, his perception of virtue, or of some art, or else some science or other.

"And now observe the completeness of the coincidence.

On the other hand, neither of them, especially the sage, could be left out, if the bouquet was to possess the traditional completeness.

The method of combining figures in masses, needful to the general composition, while they preserve a subordinate completeness of their own, had been applied with almost mathematical precision by the Frate in his fresco at S. Maria Nuova.

"In the morning, after a sleep of several hours, she further examined herself to see if entirely healed, and found both knees perfectly well; and though for sixteen years she had not been able to use either, now she lifted the left foot and put it upon the right knee, thus proving the completeness of her restoration.

The Book of Annette (1767) as a whole, however, presents the first attempt on the part of Goethe to reach a certain completeness in his treatment of the poetic theme.

"My friends could not realize the completeness of the cure, until I read a full hour, and that by lamp-light, and until asked to desist, the first opportunity after being healed.

Tense shows also the completeness or incompleteness of an act or condition at the time of speaking.

It seemed a pity to spoil the completeness of the series for the sake of a little trouble.

It was that she alone appreciated its vindictive quality; she admired the completeness, the audacity of Alice's revenge.

Still, I think there is, when it goes on as it ought to do, unobstructed, a completeness in all its stages.

That was not her idea of warfare, and she could ascribe the completeness of the victory only to the effect of her charms.

I shall not claim the completeness of this silly creature we discuss.

Yet now, face to face with the well-remembered landscape, looking down upon that dull grey lake which he had seen smiling in the sunshine, he began to doubt the completeness of his cure.

What he did was to substitute for telescopes of the ordinary construction the new and gigantic forty-foot tube already described; and, thus, with unremitting vigilance and intense zeal, he arrived at the discovery (between January 4, 1787, and February 28, 1794) of the six satellites of Uranus; in other words, he revealed to man the completeness of a new system,a system which will always be identified with his name.

20 Verbs to Use for the Word  completeness