53 Verbs to Use for the Word comprehension

The Russians, it is true, occupy some fifteen thousand miles of our country, but this is really nothing, for the Germans occupy five-sixths of it, and the desolation passes all comprehension.

Unit scales of attainment; reading comprehension.

"Once I begin to catch the full drift of new studies I believe that I will overtake some of my classmates who showed a keener comprehension at the first.

Whatever surpassed their comprehension was regarded by the ancients as a miracle, and every extraordinary degree of information attained by an individual, as well as any unlooked-for occurrence, was referred to some peculiar interposition of the deity.

We must attempt to realise the working of his mind, if we are to gain a comprehension of the original position of Islam with regard to Christianity.

God, the Infinite, has given me comprehension of such women, has given me His own loving pity,in little human grains, it is true, but they come from "the shining shore."

" She nodded ready comprehension, and they settled themselves to hear the following conversation: "I saw the assay," replied the stranger's voice to Mizzou's last statement, "but who's this McPherson?

Here begins the true use of such contemplation; we enlarge our comprehension by new ideas, and, perhaps, recover some art lost to mankind, or learn what is less perfectly known in our own country.

His shrewd eyes smiled kindly comprehension.

" I finished my narration among looks of surprise and incredulity from no inconsiderable part of the audience, which, however, I noticed the less because the Prince himself listened with profound interest; putting in now and then a question which indicated his perfect comprehension of my account, of the conditions of such a journey and of the means I had employed to meet them.

" "Explain this; it exceeds comprehension.

Graham's face revealed the same helpless comprehension.

Let him read on through brightness and obscurity, through integrity and corruption; let him preserve his comprehension of the dialogue and his interest in the fable.

* Brief and inadequate as are these introductory notices, they will, I hope, facilitate the comprehension of the critical details into which it has been necessary to enter in the following pages, and lend some new interest to the subjects described.

"I an't obliged to find you comprehension, Madam, curse me," cried he,' Roderick Random, ch. 53. '

He huddles a new thought on the one before it, before the first has had time to express itself; he sees things or analyses emotions so swiftly and subtly himself that he forgets the slower comprehensions of his readers; he is for analysing things far deeper than the ordinary mind commonly can.

Knowing and caring little for the actual course of events, having no comprehension of the institutions of an earlier day, concerned only with extracting what is to them a dramatic story from the Eclogues, they put all the historical characters into impossible situations.

We are so used to our present forms that beginning sentences with small letters would hinder the ready comprehension of the thought.

The mere repetition of music heard but once, even when, as in Tom's case, it is given with such incredible fidelity, and after the lapse of years, demands only a command of mechanical skill, and an abnormal condition of the power of memory; but to play secondo to music never heard or seen implies the comprehension of the full drift of the symphony in its current,a capacity to create, in short.

It is as though the miraculous birth had, by some mysterious dispensation, taken place in each of the countries of the world, the better to insure the comprehension of the message of divine love to all peoples.

When coolly examined, at the distance of a century, the Royalist combination for the suppression of equality before the law, as finally evolved in 1792, did not so much lack military intelligence, as it lacked any approximate comprehension of the modern mind.

" "I too have desiderated this sensible precaution," said Charteris, and laughed his utter comprehension.

There's no question about it, either you are rambling in your speech, or I have entirely lost all comprehension of the English language.

The mathematical and physical proof that the physical earth is 50,000 miles in diameter should not be passed over lightly in our haste to get on, for the perfect understanding of all this fact implies makes easy the comprehension of how we live etherically in the solar etheric globe, of how we live pranically in the stellar pranic globe, and how we live manasically in the manasic globe.

The moral arguments, though separated from those which are either political or temporary, are sufficient to overpower the strongest reason, and overflow the most extensive comprehension.

53 Verbs to Use for the Word  comprehension