72 Verbs to Use for the Word concert

They traveled on a small steamboat and gave concerts in the river towns.

The third day of his delirium one of those natural instincts, which make, as it is said, sick animals seek out for the herbs that are proper to their case, set him upon desiring earnestly to hear a little concert in his chamber.

In six months from her marriage, after a pleasant trip to the Continent, she took cold in attending a Sunday concert in London; and on the 22d of December, 1880, she passed away from earth to join her "choir invisible," whose thoughts have enriched the world.

I thought you'd enjoy this concert, and if you don't go I shall tear up the tickets.

The mellow voice of the thrush, and the clear pipe of the blackbird, diversified at intervals with the tender notes of the nightingale, formed the most agreable natural concert.

Now who is it that was able to join by a reciprocal union two such different natures, and hold them in so just a concert for all their respective operations?

Being a good musician, he obtained the protection of the king's daughters, taught them the harp, and conducted the weekly concerts which, during the life of Marie Leczinska, they gave to the king and the royal family.

Greece, until overcome by external force, sacredly maintained local self-government, but in securing permanent concert of action it was conspicuously unsuccessful.

About 2.30 o'clock on a May morning a rook begins the grand concert with a solo in G flat; then a cock pheasant crows, or an owl hoots; moorhens begin to stir, and gradually the woodland orchestra works up to a tremendous burst of song, such as is never heard at any hour but that of sunrise.

He played freely, a concert for the two of us, a farewell to the island and summer.

This disagreement among ourselves on this single pointof which our adversaries are by no means ignorant, as they often throw it reproachfully in our teethwould forever prevent concert in any scheme that looked to instigating servile revolt.

When the labours of the day were over, plans were proposed for getting up a concert, or a new play, in order to surprise the absentees on their return.

Rousseau has declared it to be nothing but doleful psalmodies; Gray calls a French concert "Une tintamarre de diable:" and the prejudices inspired by these great names are not easily obliterated.

It was now the turn of the strong Clara to break down, and only with the doctor's aid she continued her concerts.

I thought Fritz might have had manners enough to wait until I had finished my concert, at least!

In the August following the Wandsworth concert Lord Carbury began to take his electrical laboratory with such intensified seriousness that he flatly refused to entertain any visitors until the 12th, and held fast to his determination in spite of his mother's threat to leave the house, alleging, with a laugh, that he had got hold of a discovery with money in it at last.

" Her renderings of some simple Welsh melodies were delicious; they as far excelled the outpourings of the other singers as the compositions of Mendelssohn or Bellini surpass a midnight feline concert.

Strike up, my masters; But touch the strings with a religious softness; Teach sounds to languish thro' the night's dull ear, 'Till Melancholy start from her lazy couch, And carelessness grow concert to attention.

He hated concerts, and compared himself to a conjurer or a clever trick poodle; he took up with the Revolution of 1830; Saint-Simonianism enmeshed him; later he fell under the spell of the Abbé Lamennais.

The landlady's daughter's piano Is helping the concert along, And my molars I break on the tenderloin steak As I chew to that popular song.

When, therefore, in ordering the printing of the gigantic posters which heralded the concert, he directed his own name to be placed at the head of the "eminent artists who had offered their services for the occasion," and in type half as large again as any of the rest, he only expressed a conscientious opinion of his superiority over all of them.

Down in the valley, the voice of the hinds driving their herds to rest, increased the rustic concert; the river rippled on beneath the mysterious shade of old fantastic trees, and the air was filled with soft noises, and rich perfumes, and the voice of birds.

And yet I would fain join your sweet concert, Whilst upon the face of fair Bianca, 'Mirror of Love'I fix my yearning eyes.

The halls meant steady work, and I was surer of regular earnings, but I liked the concerts.

We sat or lay on the after-deck while the bandsmen on the low rail or hatch maintained a continuous concert.

72 Verbs to Use for the Word  concert