5 Verbs to Use for the Word confer

" To her father he wrote in the following manner: To the baron DE PALFOY, My Lord; "The favours your goodness confers upon me are such as can be equalled by but one thing in the world, and that is my just and grateful sense of them.

It is too common for those who have been bred to scholastick professions, and passed much of their time in academies where nothing but learning confers honours, to disregard every other qualification, and to imagine that they shall find mankind ready to pay homage to their knowledge, and to crowd about them for instruction.

" I nunc et confer Euripiden vestrum his luctibus, hâc morte uxoriâ; confer Alcesten!

They are older than myself by twelve, and ten, years; and neither of them seems disposed, in matters of advice and guidance, to waive any of the prerogatives which primogeniture confers.

To refuse credit confers for a moment an appearance of superiority, which every little mind is tempted to assume when it may be gained so cheaply as by withdrawing attention from evidence, and declining the fatigue of comparing probabilities.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  confer