14 Verbs to Use for the Word conjugation

"To distinguish the conjugations let the pupil observe the following rules.

In going out to dinner at 3 o'clock, a sheet of paper containing conjugations of verbs, which had cost me much time and questioning, had fallen from my table.

In the second class, if we count conjugation as a simple form of fertilization, there are only two types of reproductive methods. 1st.

I do not, however, think it necessary or advisable to do this, or to encumber the conjugations, as some have done, by introducing the latter pronoun, and the corresponding form of the verb, as singular.

"By examining carefully the conjugation of the verb through this mood, you will find it very easy."Ib., p. 147.

And, in conjugating any verb,"or, "And in learning conjugations, you must pay particular attention to the manner in which these signs are applied."Kirkham cor.

When this gentleman was on his way inland, he stopped at my house, and evinced much interest in the oral traditions of the Indians, as shown in Algic Researches, and presented me the conjugation of the Indian verb "to see," filling many pages of an old folio account bookall written in the wretched system of notation of Mr. Evans.

Weak and Strong Conjugations.+Verbs are divided into two classes as regards their conjugations.

"Do you remember the conjugations?" "Try me," said she.

At the close of his paradigms, however, the author inserts a few lines respecting "these obsolete conjugations," with the pronoun thou; for a further account of which, he refers the learner, with a sneer, to the common grammars in the schools.

" The class at Heidelberg was studying English conjugations, and each verb considered was used in a model sentence, so that the students would gain the benefit of pronouncing the connected series of words, as well as learning the varying forms of the verb.

When an English boy learns French, he takes the conjugations and the meanings of the words on the authority of his teacher or his grammar.

But shall it be allowed, in the present state of things, to confound our conjugations and overturn our grammar?

On returning in the evening, I found my dog, Ponty, a young pet, had torn my care-bought conjugations into small pieces.

14 Verbs to Use for the Word  conjugation