8 Verbs to Use for the Word conquer

"Beowulf" oldest relic of spoken language in, 9; "Reynard the Fox" popular in, 35; to be infested by dragons, 98; Charlemagne conquers nearly all, 140; introduction of legend of Holy Grail in, 182; popularity of Arthurian legends in, 214; popularity of "Roman de Troie" in, 304.

No: I will thrust my fingers through your ribs, and drink your blood!You conquer me?Ha, ha!Yes, yes; you shall!I will sit upon you, and press you to hell!

* * Stainless soldier on the walls, Knowing this,and knows no more, Whoever fights, whoever falls Justice conquers evermore, Justice after as before.

Often they are combined towards the same object, but, when they are opposed, fear always conquers.

"Fighting o conquer oneself is harder than turning the left flank of the Eighth Illinois in an enfilading fire.

In Sartor Resartus, he specially honors "the toilworn Craftsman, that with earthmade implement laboriously conquers the Earth and makes her Man's.

Do you not know that opinion conquers itself, and is not conquered by another?

Fight boldly on the morrow; so shalt thou conquer, and be crowned King of Britain.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  conquer