50 Verbs to Use for the Word contemplation

There are few, we think, who would not, as we did, enjoy fully the contemplation of such a scene.

By this ascent, therefore Plato signifies the contemplation of dianoetic objects in the mathematical disciplines.

This place was admirably suited to the course of life Wotton resolved to pursue, for the remaining part of his days; he had seen enough of the world to be sick of it, and being now three-score years of age, he thought a college was the fittest place to indulge contemplation, and to rest his body and mind after a long struggle on the theatre of life.

" The recollection of England, and its generous inhabitants, has animated me with pleasure; yet I must for the present quit this agreeable contemplation, to take precautions which remind me that I am separated from both, and in a land of despotism and misery!

Persons of the greatest capacity are often those, who for this reason do the least; for surveying themselves from the highest point of view, amidst the infinite variety of the universe, their own share in it seems trifling, and scarce worth a thought, and they prefer the contemplation of all that is, or has been, or can be, to the making a coil about doing what, when done, is no better than vanity.

The deep interest Harland took in the opening conviction of Mrs. Moseley, did not so entirely engross his thoughts as to prevent the too frequent contemplation of the charms of her friend for his own peace of mind; and by the time the vessel reached Falmouth, he had determined to make a tender of his hand and title to the acceptance of Miss Moseley.

" Mr. Lorimer resumed his contemplation of the fire without speaking.

A pause like that which accompanies self-contemplation, and perhaps conscious distrust of purpose, succeeded.

The other division of the Cabala contains the knowledge of things more sublime, as of divine and angelical powers, the contemplation of sacred names and characters; being a certain kind of symbolical theology, in which the letters, figures, numbers, names, points, lines, accents, etc. are esteemed to contain the significations of most profound things and wonderful mysteries.

He continued his contemplation of the cards in silence for some seconds.

She awoke to cool contemplation of matters only to find herself entering the room.

The entrance of the defendant cut short my contemplation of any mere spectator.

But the task of art is to represent a spiritual idea to direct contemplation in sensuous form, and not in the form of thought or of pure spirituality.

The Thoughts of the Day gave my Mind Employment for the whole Night, so that I fell insensibly into a kind of Methodical Dream, which disposed all my Contemplations into a Vision or Allegory, or what else the Reader shall please to call it.

Is any one prepared to dissociate this contemplation from the apostle's cheery optimism?

Cliffs shattered by the warfare of the elementsa restless and irresistible sea, intersected by perilous reefsand the blue firmamentwere the only visible objects to distract the solemn contemplations of his soul.

By good fortune the infant had fallen asleep in the loveliest attitude, so that nothing disturbed the contemplation when the eye rested on the seeming mother, who with infinite grace had lifted off a veil to reveal her hidden treasure.

The mind, attempered to divine contemplation, finds him in every solitude, meets him in every walk, and in all places, and at all times, sees itself surrounded by God.

She cared very little for the newspapers, for politics not at all; but anything was better than everlasting contemplation of the blue still water, and the rugged crest of Helm Crag.

I shall begin with GENERAL propositions, as those which most employ our thoughts, and exercise our contemplation.

" As Rosey knew her father had experienced this serious contemplation on the first of every month for the last two years, and cheerfully ignored it the next day, she only said, "I'm sure the vacant rooms and lofts are all rented, father.

The mere admirer of the picturesque or the grand will find much to interest and charm him; but may there not arise in the Christian's mind far deeper and higher thoughts to feed his contemplation?

His mind is not much distracted with objects, but if a good fat cow come in his way, he stands dumb and astonished, and though his haste be never so great, will fix here half an hour's contemplation.

Never, I knew, could I separate myself from that eternal consciousness; but it was cruelty to force the contemplation upon me.

He thus speaks of their attractions and advantages: "The sweetness of the air, the pleasantness of the smell, the verdure of plants, the cleanness and lightness of food, the exercise of working or walking, but above all, the exemption from cares and solicitude, seem equally to favor and improve both contemplation and health, the enjoyment of sense and imagination, and thereby the quiet and ease of the body and mind."

50 Verbs to Use for the Word  contemplation