34 Verbs to Use for the Word continuity

Some are covered from base to summit by this one species, with only a sparse growth of juniper on the lower slopes to break the continuity of its curious woods, which, though dark-looking at a distance, are almost shadeless, and have none of the damp, leafy glens and hollows so characteristic of other pine woods.

If the cable, therefore, is successfully laid so as to preserve continuity throughout, there is no doubt of our being able to telegraph through, and at a good commercial speed.

We have given up a chaos-philosophythe haphazard continuity of eventsa cometary orbit, for the world.

Its course from that city to Youri has not yet been delineated; but the fact that Park navigated down from one place to the other, fully establishes the continuity.

This is a pernicious practice; it spoils continuity of thought and application.

Mr. Folsom, however, sent to the Western Monthly of Chicago a carefully prepared account of his expedition, which that magazine published in July, 1870, after cutting out some of the most interesting portions of the story, thus destroying in some measure the continuity of the narrative.

Sir William Thomson believes that he is able to prove, by physical reasonings, "that the existing state of things on the earth, life on the earthall geological history showing continuity of lifemust be limited within some such period of time as one hundred million years" (loc. cit.

" I have a sufficient variety of cases to prove the continuity between all the forms of visualisation, beginning with an almost total absence of it, and ending with a complete hallucination.

Under the process of continued action the average man can make a fair showing and with a reasonable degree of moral support will make good, while without it the ablest man will have a hard time and even fail if he is forced to accept changes that disturb continuity of action.

[Footnote 20: The following words, illustrating the continuity between the Christian and Jewish churches, are not without instruction to those who meditate on the possible continuity between the Christian church and that which is one day to grow into the place of it:'Not only do forms and ordinances remain under the Gospel equally as before; but, what was in use before is not so much superseded by the Gospel ordinances as changed into them.

So well does this rule hold, so general is the implication that kindred species are or were associated geographically, that most trustworthy naturalists, quite free from hypotheses of transmutation, are constantly inferring former geographical continuity between parts of the world now widely disjoined, in order to account thereby for the generic similarities among their inhabitants.

There must be some prior continuity between them, which continuity Royce interprets idealistically as meaning a higher mind that owns them both as objects, and owning them can also own any relation, such as the supposed witnessing, that may obtain between them.

"'Tis true, they have kept the Continuity, or as you called it, Liaison des Scenes, somewhat better.

Even the most careless glance down the long outline of the walls, artistically broken by the two transepts, but never losing the regular continuity of design, will show the observer that this perfect Early English building was an inspiration of one brain and that the many hands that worked for that brain carried out their tasks as a religious rite.

In their eyes it was this observance which maintained continuity between the Christian church and the institutions imposed in Paradise, and therefore made them peculiarly the people of God.

If by happiness be meant a continuity of highly pleasurable excitement, it is evident enough that this is impossible.

In 'The Friend', vol. i. p. 58 (ed. 1818), Coleridge writes: "Men laugh at the falsehoods imposed on them during their childhood, because they are not good and wise enough to contemplate the past in the present, and so to produce that continuity in their self-consciousness, which Nature has made the law of their animal life.

More positively, these stories provided enough societal continuity for some developments that spanned generations to take root.

Providence has relieved the continuity of arid soil, which else disfigures that long dreary level.

Was not the Emperor a sacred being who represented an unbroken political continuity of thousands of years, and who ruled by divine right?

This picture also illustrates a device to retain continuity of line; the right foot is hidden away so as not to interfere with the contour.

In order to secure continuity of the center rail throughout the length of the track, and still provide for the removal of the collector at frequent intervals, the framework of the collector is so made that, by slackening the side-bolts, the steel plates can be drawn upward and the collector itself withdrawn sideways through the hand holes, one of the half-tubes being removed for the purpose.

The common objection to admitting novelties is that by jumping abruptly in, ex nihilo, they shatter the world's rational continuity.

The species of the later tertiary period for the most part not only resembled those of our days, many of them so closely as to suggest an absolute continuity, but, also occupied in general the same regions that their relatives occupy now.

How could England assert its continuity of doctrine?

34 Verbs to Use for the Word  continuity