3 Verbs to Use for the Word contrarie

First of all for the litteral sence (as it were the utmost barke or ryne) they set downe in manner of an historie the acts and notable exploits of some persons worthie memorie: then in the same fiction, as a second rine and somewhat more fine, as it were nearer to the pith and marrow, they place the Morall sence profitable for the active life of man, approving vertuous actions and condemning the contrarie.

His mightie vowes and protestations Do almost seeme to pleade integritie, But that we all do know the contrarie.

I say not, as the common voyce doth say, That all things which beneath the moone have being Are temporall and subiect to decay: But I say rather, though not all agreeing With some that weene the contrarie in thought, That all this whole shall one day come to nought.

3 Verbs to Use for the Word  contrarie