6 Verbs to Use for the Word contusion

The prince and the adjutant were both hit, the latter receiving contusions on the leg, but the shot not penetrating.

I examined, and found a great contusion, and that was all.

BLESSER, porter un coup qui fait plaie, fracture ou contusion; faire du mal.

They were violently assaulted by a rabble of men and boys, the former of whom pursued them with bludgeons, brickbats, and stones, which not only inflicted severe contusions, but really endangered their lives.

The nim is a large and common tree in India, the leaves of which are very bitter, and used as a decoction to reduce contusions and inflammations; also to cleanse wounds.

Engineer Serko himself was projected several yards, and sustained some rather severe contusions.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  contusion