288 Verbs to Use for the Word copies

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On receipt of a | | postage-stamp we will send a copy of No. 1 to any one | | desiring to get up a club.

Marston, as a justice of the peace, had informations, embodying the principal part of the evidence given before the coroner, sworn against Merton, and transmitted a copy of them to the Home Office.

Full description is given of the apparatus used, and the text is profusely illustrated with half tone illustrations giving fac-simile copies of the pictures taken from the negatives of the author.

Prohibition, under pain of excommunication, is made against those who print, distribute or receive copies of this Breviary without lawful authority.

The Countess of Dorset bought a copy and spelled it out word for word to her cook.

Their policy is characteristically expressed in the reply, which their -strategus- gave soon afterwards to Flamininus, when he requested a copy of the declaration of war against Rome: that he would deliver it to him in person, when the Aetolian army should encamp on the Tiber.

'I then communicated to him a copy of my proposal of settlement; the substance of her written answer; the contents of my letter of invitation to Lord M. to be her nuptial-father; and of my Lord's generous reply.

This motion was agreed to, and upon another motion made by Mr. SANDYS, it was resolved, "That an humble address be presented to his majesty, that he will be graciously pleased to give directions, that there may be laid before this house a copy of the reasons sent by admiral Cavendish, in pursuance of an order from the commissioners of the admiralty, which had retarded the sailing of admiral Ogle's squadron, so much beyond expectation.

Here, in the mahâyâna monastery, he found a copy of the Vinaya, containing the Mahâsânghikâ rulesthose which were observed in the first Great Council, while Buddha was still in the world.

We saw also the oldest copy of the Bible in the world.

Even in the first year she printed 500 copies a month of her letters ("little bluebacks" the sailors called them, on account of the colour of their cover); but before many years had passed as many as 21,000 a month were printed and circulated.

He was an ingenious youngster; wrote wonderful copies, and carved the two initials given above with great skill on all available surfaces.

Captain Waggoner brought with him to table one night a copy of the orders for the march and for encampment, which were adhered to with few changes during the whole advance, and we discussed them thoroughly when the meal was finished, nor could we discover in them much to criticise.

There must be at least a hundred and fifty of 'em in the county, so that makes seven hundred and seventy-five copies a day.

Still I am bound to do what I can to get at the truth, and enclose a copy of some notes I have had occasion to make.

Among other occupations he had at one time adopted that of a book-agent, and by dint of persistent energy had sold numerous copies of "Radford's Lives of the Saints" to the surrounding farmers.

Lamb's library contained his father's copy of Hudibras.

She had completed it and sent it to the printers, and was hoping to be able to commence a book which she had contemplated writing, when she had the disappointing news that a fire at the printers' had destroyed the stereotype plates and paper as well as the MS.; and as she had kept no copy of the tunes, all her work had to be done over again.

Even Petrarch, whose erudition was marvelous, could not read a copy of the Iliad that he possessed.

He knows they are there, does Mr. DROWSE; for he gets my copy of the penny postman, and he keeps it, too.

" "Pardon me," said Matilda, "I find in all this Fine description, you've only your young sister Mary Been taking a copy of here for a fairy.

Let me read to you the evidence he gave at the inquest." Mr. Finnis handed to his leader a copy of Hill's evidence at the inquest, and Mr. Holymead read it out to the jury.

288 Verbs to Use for the Word  copies