42 Verbs to Use for the Word countryside

But she had a terribly impulsive and wilful nature, and would run off and disappear for hours at a time, beating the hedges and scouring the countryside in search of birds'-nests and flowers and wild fruit.

It has been said that in the Civil War Sheridan was commanded, in pushing up the Shenandoah Valley, to leave the countryside in such condition that a crow could not live on it.

In any case, the literacy program of the Nationalist government had penetrated the countryside and had reached even outlying villages before the Pacific War.

" THE GERMAN "SPY POSTERS" Just prior to the declaration of war, cable dispatches from Paris told of a remarkable series of posters dotting the countryside of France.

You and I, hand in hand, will search the countryside for ruined abbeys.

I should love to grip the wheel and sweep the countryside and listen to the soft purr of the engine.

When rural youth inundated the cities in search of employment, the government returned the excess urban population to die countryside and recruited students and other urban youth to work on farms.

After lunch, Condoré and Mogrovejo divided the extensive rolling countryside between them and each rode quietly from one lonesome farm to another, looking for men to engage as bearers.

" The acquittal of old Condy Dalton, who for years had tortured himself with remorse, believing he had killed Sullivan, and never understanding the disappearance of the body, and the resurrection of honest Bartle Sullivan, filled all the countryside with delight.

A grave problem, a worry which grew from hour to hour, and which for Mathieu somewhat spoilt that charming spring whose advent was flowering the countryside.

It’s about this mysterious treasure, that has given youand I hear, the whole countrysideso much concern.

Inhabitants of the city enjoyed a superior status and had a higher standard of consumer-living than most of those who inhabited the countryside and the hinterland.

Certainly it was something which interested the countryside, for there was every indication of a crowded house.

River water, impounded for the purpose, provided the means of irrigating an all but rainless desert countryside.

They were cheerful enough, and laughed as they littered the countryside with beef tins, and smoked cigarettes incessantly, as they lay scorched under the glare of the sun, with their rifles handy.

But he loved the pastoral French countryside, so calm and picturesque.

Like the shadow of clouds on ripe corn, the red tiles of the village roofs patched the countryside.

It was only when rumors came that Union soldiers were patrolling the countryside for such offenders, that they were hastily told of their freedom.

His ailment was home-sickness; for though he had been a great voyager, it seemed he was loath to quit our bleak countryside for ever.

As far as the eye could reach the countryside was flattened to a desert.

I had been so young when I left my native place that it is doubtful whether, even in daylight, I should have recognised the countryside, but now in the darkness, half stupefied by my adventures, I could not form the least idea as to where we were or what we were making for.

I remembered days of rain that refreshed the countryside, but left these grounds, cracked with the summer heat, unsatisfied and thirsty; and how the big winds, that cleaned the woods and fields elsewhere, crawled here with difficulty through the dense foliage that protected The Towers from the North and West and East.

So, for many Saturdays and vacations of boyhood years J.W. and Marty had roamed the countryside, and were letter-perfect in their boy-knowledge of the old farm.

Sherlock the Sleuth keeps himself in fair fettle by prowling round the countryside and trying to restrain the aborigines from pinching what little British material they have not already pinched.

Death and pain and agony had ruled this whole countryside, once so smiling and fair to see.

42 Verbs to Use for the Word  countryside