4 Verbs to Use for the Word craturs

The man was only speaking what many another was thinking when he said, "This is the greatest calamity that ever befell this district; of a' the dukes that reigned here there was never one like her; there's none in this neighbourhood, high or low, but was under some obligation to her, for she made it her study to benefit her fellow-men; and what crowds o' puir craturs she helped every day.

Some twenty or thirty neighbours kindly escorted them, "to hould them on for fear they might fall, the craturs!"

what'll sicknify their guns, my lort, when I'll have cot a hold o' the craturs themsels in my hants?"

Ye'd never have the heart to turn them two ould craturs out on the roadside to die?" "Wouldn't I though?" retorted Peter; "ye'll soon find out for yourselves whether I would or not.

4 Verbs to Use for the Word  craturs