9 Verbs to Use for the Word croquettes

Time.1/2 hour to boil the rice, 10 minutes to fry the croquettes.

Mix well; add the white of one egg, reserving the yolk for coating the croquettes.

I ate half a chicken croquette, and Susan placed the salad before Richard, and another plate.

Beat the whites of the three eggs to a stiff froth, reserving some of the beaten white for egging croquettes, mix this in last, shape into croquettes and fry in hot oil or butter substitute.

About one tablespoon of flour may be added to hold the croquettes together.

" "I didn't know you were making croquettes," said Peter, with polite interest.

It contained in the centre, fish, beef, and ham; and around these staple articles, he had arranged croquettes, rognons, râgouts, vegetables, and other light things, until not only was the plate completely covered, but it was actually covered in double and triple layers; mustard, cold butter, salt, and even pepper, garnishing its edges.

Have a plentiful supply of bread crumbs spread evenly on a board; roll the ball lightly on the crumbs into the shape of a cylinder, and flatten each end by dropping it lightly on the board; put it in the egg (to each egg add one tablespoon of water, and beat together), and with a spoon moisten the croquette completely with the egg; lift it out on a knife-blade, and again roll lightly in the crumbs.

MEAT CROQUETTES Veal, mutton, lamb, beef and turkey croquettes may be prepared in the same way as chicken croquettes.

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  croquettes