8 Verbs to Use for the Word cums

Wi' hikin't up an' doon He'd let the poor thing fall, It waddent haud its tung, Tho' sum aud teun he'd hum, 'Jack an' Gill went up a hill' "Aw wish yor muther wad cum!" "What weary toil," says he, "This nursin bairns mun be, A bit on't's weel eneuf, Ay, quite eneuf for me; Te keep a crying bairn, It may be grand te sum, A day's wark's not as bad Aw wish yor muther wad cum.

Every time the Indians would make a charge at us, the darkeys would cry out: "Heah dey cum;" "Dey must be ten thousand ob 'em;" "De whole country is alive wid 'em;" "Massa Bill, does you tink we is eber agoin' to get out o'

No disparagement (for a better Christian exists not)well arrange cum or absque illothis is latin the first Sunday you can, morning.

Then answered the Magician dredefully: Manuel, Manuel, now I shall shewe unto thee many bokes of Nygromancy, and howe thou shalt cum by it lyghtly and knowe the practyse therein.

Spec' if I'd been a runaway de wite folks dere take care o' me; but I couldn't git anythin' to do, so I jis borrow ten dollar of my broder an' cum back to old Virginny."

" "La, yes," grumbled the old lady, "but it's dretful thoughtless in her ter stay away so long, when she knows the stoopin' cums so hard on my rheumatiz.

Et nonnullæ in toto aureæ vel gemmunculis disseminatæ, et vnaquaeque de mensis cum stabilimento proprij generis.

Penes Walteri de Wyth; Liber Innocentii super sacramenta cum

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  cums