59 Verbs to Use for the Word curate

In vain, too, he represented to himself the ridiculous hopelessness of his passion; the impossibility of the London beauty ever stooping to marry the poor country curate.

They have said, furthermore, that we have brought upon the scene a materialistic curate.

" "And no man can say you don't do it," rejoined the curate kindly.

The vicar told the curate, who told our curate, who told our vicar, who told my father, who sent me off here to get a Balliol too.

He paid his curates punctually, at the lowest salary, and partly out of the communion money; but gave them good advice in abundance.

Nothing could be more gloomy than the young pastor's life on Salisbury Plain: 'the first and poorest pauper of the hamlet,' as he calls a curate, he was seated down among a few scattered cottages on this vast flat; visited even by the butcher's cart only once a week from Salisbury; accosted by few human beings; shunned by all who loved social life.

We took the curate as we took the husband.

Formerly there were more one on a Sunday afternoon, and another on a Thursday evening; but as the former was only attended by about 30, and the latter by eight or ten, and as the fund for maintaining a curate who had the management of them was withdrawn, it was decided some time ago to drop the services.

" "If only," Mary said, "Papa had kept a curate.

Father Peter had left his curate his furniture, but the pretty mahogany bookcase and the engravings upon the walls were Father Oliver's own taste; he had bought them at an auction, and there were times when these purchases pleased him.

But why not try a companion; and persuade that curate, who needs just the same medicine as you, to accompany you?

The only society that he had was during the occasional visits of the squire to the neighborhood, who, surprised to find the curate so interesting a person, gave him frequent invitations to dinner.

"That is much to say for any man," returned the curate.

"Where is Mr. Henry Leek?" demanded the other curate.

But when the boys, hunting in the hedge, descried the curate in the distance and came back with the news, the two women were suddenly interested.

The father was shocked, because he desired his son for the Church; but Mrs. Siddons remarked to him, "In the Church your son will live and die a curate on £50 a year, but if successful, the stage will bring him in a thousand.

" "I say Rector," exclaimed the curate, after due pause, "you'll be at Evensong on Saturday?

"How was I to tell?" she faced the curates.

From one of these distant hamlets the curate, who struggled so bravely through the mire, has walked in to consult with his superior.

But when she is handling her curates, it is a savage and utterly inartistic humour that inspires her.

I said No; he reminded me of a white ferret we had once, and I hated curates.

Albeit, in the National Covenant, the land is obliged to defend the reformation, and to labour by all means lawful to recover the purity and liberty of the gospel, by forbearing the practice of all novations introduced in the worship of God, or approbation of the corruptions of the public government of the kirk: yet was there given all the approbation required by law of the novation and corruption of Prelacy by hearing the Prelatic curates.

Suppose you included the curates?" "You know what I mean," he said gravely.

Clever young curates suffer much annoyance from these people: they are always anxious to instruct the young curates how to preach.

Of course, being no friend to the church" "I don't wonder at that, the church is so little of a friend to herself," interrupted the curate, relieved to find her so composed, for as he came along he had dreaded something terrible.

59 Verbs to Use for the Word  curate