126 Verbs to Use for the Word cure

I know you can effect remarkable cures, and you have a great deal of tact.

Large doses in quick succession will soonest work a cure.

If thou art skilful, find a cure for me.

Should this fail to complete the cure, 1/2 oz. of tincture of catechu, or of kino, may be added to it, and then it will seldom fail; or a teaspoonful of the tincture of kino alone, with a little water, every three hours, till the diarrhoea is checked.

" So cautious, however, was the saint, that he would not permit the magic figures to be searched for, till he had released the virgin, for fear he should seem to have intercourse with incantations in performing the cure or to believe that a devil could even speak truth.

Among them were several women, one of whom sought a cure for her sick child, whimpering over the symptoms of his malady.

"Before tasting the water both man and wife had to drink first, and as this scene was repeated on innumerable occasions, it was delightful to observe the comic desperation with which the people took their involuntary 'water cure.

Among the rest there was one set down as an approved medicine for the disease under which Lafeu said the king at that time languished; and when Helena heard of the king's complaint, she, who till now had been so humble and so hopeless, formed an ambitious project in her mind to go herself to Paris, and undertake the cure of the king.

In every case, amusing the mind, and avoiding all causes of over-excitement, are of great service in bringing about a permanent cure. 2644.

This old woman meant no more than some beautiful bright colour by the colour of silver, for though I knew an old manhe is dead nowwho thought she might know "the cure for all the evils in the world," that the Sidhe knew, she has seen too little gold to know its colour.

He wanted me to try my snuff cure on the performers and freaks, 'cause they were getting to be dead ones.

A wholesale breeder would take no pains to attempt the cure of fowls so afflicted; but they who keep chickens for the pleasure, and not for the profit they yield, will be inclined to recover them if possible.

This unfortunately was but a specimen of the hard conditions under which he held his cure.

If you go to a Swedish physician for advice, he will invariably prescribe the movement cure, and send you to a gymnasium or a massage establishment instead of to a drug store.

Some superstitious people who had been long under the care of a regular physician, and who were just at the turning point of receiving benefit therefrom, took an "Eddy sitting" and jumped to the conclusion that said mummery affected a miraculous cure.

During this interval I determined to send my eldest son to London, and I accepted a small cure of fifteen pounds a year in a distant neighbourhood.

It was to propose a possible cure for these three evils that the writer sent in February, 1907, to President Roosevelt and to the Governors of the country a pamphlet on a new idea in American politics.

Why, Madam, there is a certain cordial Balsam, call'd a Fair Lady; which outwardly applied to his Bosom, will prove a better cure than all your Weapon or sympathetick Powder, meaning your Ladyship.

He is not the only country boy that has dreamed of winning undying fame on the boards, but not every one received such a speedy and permanent cure.

I carry about a very troublesome and dangerous complaint, which admits no cure but by the chirurgical knife.

The highest magistrates in the Roman states not only countenanced, but patronised the superstition; Marcus Aurelius, by the friendship with which he honoured the Paphlagonian imposter Alexander, and Caracalla, by the journey he undertook to Pergamus, to obtain the cure of a disease which inflicted him.

For not only M. Burette, but many modern philosophers, physicians, and anatomists, as well as ancient poets and historians, have believed, that music has the power of affecting, not only the mind, but the nervous system, in such a manner as will give a temporary relief in certain diseases, and, at length, even operate a radical cure.

After the forgiveness of sin must come the cure of sin.

Living a sort of quasi-sanitarium life, with the rules and regulations of one undergoing a rest cure for thirty-six years, he thus accomplished infinitely more than the millions who have led the strenuous life.

" This was a bitter pill for Don Sanchez to swallow; however, seeing no other cure for our ills, he gulped it down with the best face he could put on it.

126 Verbs to Use for the Word  cure