21 Verbs to Use for the Word dad

"When I got home that night I had to tell my dad about it, because I was to leave for Indianapolis the very next day.

"You see, I know men better 'n your dad, an' I reckon this Nash would do anythin'.

All he wanted to ask dad to-night was that he should agree to consider the matter, bearing in mind that a real artist like madame, his wife, couldn't be kept shut up in a brass tower indefinitely.

At length his lonely cot appears in view, Beneath the shelter of an aged tree; Th' expectant wee-things, toddlin, stacher through To meet their dad, wi' flichterin' noise and glee.

She wouldn't chuck dad for that doughboy piano tuner.

But how did you convince your dad to let you play?"

"Herring'll be here on the next train, with a bunch o' men, an' I'll git your dad, Gus, too.

But the youth serenely murmured, as he gripped his angry dad, "You're a clever rusher, Guv'nor, but you tackle very bad"; And he rushed him through the center and he tripped him for a fall, And he scored a goal and touchdown with his papa as the ball.

"I've helped my dad with his car," ventured Norma diffidently.

So I signed on to serve King George an' his missus an' kids for ever an' ever, or duration of war, Amen, with a mental footnote, which last was the only part I mentioned in mailing my dad, that I was a Benevolent Neutral.

"But we'll need a cicérone, dad.

how I had to beg and pray dad before he would buy it for me.

Guess I'll roust out dad.

Um asked dat Linkinite ef him saw dad up Norf.

"W'ere you fin' sudge a reever lag dad Mississippi?

"'Sieur Frowenfel'," said Aurora, in her recital, "Palmyre, she never tole me dad, mais I am shoe, shoe dad she fall in love wid Honoré Grandissime.

He trimmed that old dad, and the dad is one of Donnegan's pals.

"I want some money to-morrow, dad," continued he.

I had my own reason for begging dad to keep you from killing hima selfish woman's reason!...

You shall not go till you have bussed your old dad.

Fo' w'y dad is?" "A man was chase me all dad way since my 'ouse!"

21 Verbs to Use for the Word  dad