381 Verbs to Use for the Word danger

Carefully planned, as were Froebel's own "gifts," the new apparatus presents a series of exercises in sense discrimination, satisfying no doubt while unfamiliar, but suffering from the defect of the "too finished and complex plaything," in which Froebel saw a danger "which slumbers like a viper under the roses."

The youth, who had formerly experienced kindness at the hands of Ortiz, begged him to avoid the danger.

Then, at least, I should have known my danger, and been able to meet it; but to wait like this, through a whole night, picturing all kinds of unknown devilment, was to jeopardize one's sanity.

After the toil-worn adventurers had escaped a thousand dangers and had crawled thousands of miles across the plains the snowy Sierra at last loomed in sight, the eastern wall of the land of gold.

" "I am ready for your sake to face any danger the telling of my secret may hold for me," he responded firmly.

My hand was next examined; but little was said of me, except that I had been a great traveller, and should be so again; that I should encounter many dangers and difficulties; that I possessed more intelligence than sensibility, and more prudence than generosity.

He saw at once that if he were only to make the thread longer, which was the first mode that suggested itself, he would increase the constant danger there was of its getting fouled, not to mention the awkwardness of using such a quantity of it.

Perhaps, in view of this latest development, you may have knowledge to go upon of some one from whom your brother might have apprehended danger?" Henshaw's set face gave indication of nothing but a studied reserve.

By prudent and conciliatory negotiations, during which he had exercised the most wonderful self-abnegation and patience, he had succeeded in averting the serious danger caused by the formidable revolt of Roldan.

I believe that, by leaving through the horn-works, you can make your way to the rear of the British encampment without incurring any very grave danger, and if it is the desire of you lads to go with the sergeant you have my permission.

If anything happens, it will be at night, and while the newspaper office may some time go flying skyward the girls will run no personal danger whatever.

It is a fact to be thankful for that everywhere throughout the land, beneath the rough jackets of our artisans and labourers, beat hearts as true and fearless as those which have stormed the fort or braved the dangers of the battlefield.

Then each Swiss fought as though victory depended on his single arm; for Switzerland and Swiss glory, each flew joyously to meet danger and death, and counted not the number of the enemy.

General Merritt had witnessed the duel, and realizing the danger I was in, ordered Colonel Mason with Company K to hurry to my rescue.

This is a venture in which we share the dangers equally, an' it's no more than right you should hear all which may pass between the general

The bullets were whistling around him, and one of his staff ventured to point out to him the terrible danger he was running.

I would not endure an existence under a sovereignty or a tyranny, since under such forms of government I can not enjoy the rights of free citizenship nor speak my mind safely nor die in a way that is of service to you; and again, if opportunity is afforded to obey any of duty's calls, I would not shrink from action, though it involved danger.

But I cannot disguise from myself that it would remove a greater danger.

We certainly were in grave peril, for I foresaw the danger of falling into the hands of Baron Oberg, the Strangler of Finland.

And with that he threw a naming dart at his breast: but Christian had a shield in his hand, with which he caught it, and so prevented the danger of that.

Mother watched him anxiously, and fearing some danger to her puppies, ran and jumped in the middle of us, and looked pleadingly up at him.

" The fellows had not finished mess, but I felt the danger of further delay, and talked to them as they sat on deck, explaining briefly the entire situation, and the causes leading up to the mutiny.

but the afternoon was so lovely that I soon forgot the danger and enjoyed the drive.

In taking this decision they did not perceive the danger of death, into which they were going more than ever.

Do you mean to tell me you don't understand the danger, that you try to throw our two lives away in this fashion!' To this, she replied nothing; only trembled, violently, gasping and sobbing, as though in the last extremity of fear.

381 Verbs to Use for the Word  danger