5 Verbs to Use for the Word darn

Your idle precepts mocking, Get out my needle and my yarn And, caring not a single darn.

And I'd sooner have this"slapping the German helmet that dangled at his belt"than your whole darn alphabet o' initials.

So, in the withdrawing-room, Anne sat on the floor with needle and silk, by the light of the wax candles, deftly repairing the rent, and then threading the scattered pearls, and arranging the festoon so as to hide the darn.

She sometimes "put down a hole" all by herself, skinning a knuckle now and then with the lightest "single-jack" and saying "darn!"

And the red candleshades were only crinkled paper; the lace curtains showed many careful darns.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  darn