46 Verbs to Use for the Word dats

Dis here chile kin tell you dat.

" "Yes, missus, I knows all dat.

I do wish you could make ole Plin hear dat!

Wen dey comes an' fin's out dat

An' 'sides dat, you fool Isham, ef she not Miss Annie, wot she come down h'yar fur?" "Neber thinked o' dat!" said Uncle Isham, reflectively.

"One day us li'l cullud chullun was frollicin' out in de front yard an' Mis' Nancy an' some mo' was settin' on de po'ch an' all of a sudden I see somebuddy comin' down de road an' I says 'Look, whut's dat?' "An' white folks run to de woods an' hid out caze dey seen hit was Calv'ry 'bout a mile long comin' down de road.

little Miss Annie dat I use to tote roun' afore I gin up walkin'?" "Oh, that's too long a story," said Miss Annie, with a laugh.

"Look a-here, gal," said Mammy Jane sternly, "I wants you ter understan' dat you got ter take good keer er dis chile; fer I nussed his mammy dere, an' his gran'mammy befo' 'im, an' you is got a priv'lege dat mos' lackly you don' 'preciate.

"My poor ole man gabe it to me, de last time I sees him, and he takes anoder like it, and say, 'Phillis, we will keep dem; dey's not quite as 'spressive as de garultypes ob missus's, but when you sees dat, you may know dat old Bingo am tinking ob you.

I ain' got no wife ner child'n ter mo'n fer me, an' I'll die knowin' dat

you answer me dat; you great scholar, misser Dick, but you never see ship go in wind's teeth, or hear a monkey talk.

Den she tuck up washin', but didn' do no better at dat; an' bimeby she got so discourage' dat she ma'ied a shif'less yaller man, an' died er consumption soon after,an' wuz 'bout ez well off, fer dis man couldn' hardly feed her nohow.

Co'se dey didn' think nuffin un it, but nex' mawnin', w'en dey went ter ketch 'im, dey 'skivered dat

"I never named you-all dat.

Spect Massam Clean be mighty high,his best cretur done about killed wid dat tree;feared he show dis nigger a stick worf two o' dat!"

Oh! you git kill' if you open dat

Dey was promised dat by the Constitution of the United States.

When Prince became restless and wanted to paw his way out, old Ab would say, "Now Prince, you quit dat

mighty pleased to relate dat what I recollec'.

(You remember 'Big Bob' dat used to have the merry-go-'round and made all de county fairs.)

You run awayanswer me dat!

De gemman said he war 'cruiting for de army; dat Massa Linkum hab set us all free, an' dat he wanted some more sogers to put down dem Secesh; dat we should all hab our freedom, our wages, an' some kind ob money.

I had ter pay t'ree hunderd dollars ter learn dis, an' sign a 'greement dat I wouldn't give it erway.

My mother used to sing dat when she was spinnin' and cardin'.

he hat someding up his sleeve dat might raise tust ven he tropt i

46 Verbs to Use for the Word  dats