9 Verbs to Use for the Word deceiver

Stay, he exclaimed, as Rodolph and one of his friends were about to raise the lifeless form of Fingal from the ground 'stay one moment, and I will completely deceive that deceiver.'

But if this aim is not itself accompanied by justice and good intentions the result of the business, if it succeeds, is that the State so erected consists of knaves and fools, the deceivers and the deceived.

The most significant point in these stories is that they declare that Jehovah's care and guidance followed the selfish deceiver even as he fled the consequences of his own misdeeds.

ARTS We hate the deceivers, Despisers of heaven; We seek among mortals Who to virtue are given.

He kisses the beautiful deceiver before he destroys her.

I'll to Blackheath, I'll to the holy hermit; There shall I know not only these deceivers, But how my wife plays fast and loose with Richard.

Oh, shun this deceiver, his motives are gain, He oftener augments, than alleviates, pain; His boasted attainments are nothing but show, Put him with the rest, they'll just make a row.

Lurcanio then challenges the unknown paramour (for the duke's face had not been discerned in the balcony); and Ariodante, who is not dead, is fighting him in disguise, when the Paladin Rinaldo comes up, discloses the whole affair, and slays the deceiver.

Thou, at least, art unrivalled in perfidy, and standest alonea base deceiver in the garb of virtue and religionlike a deep pit whose yawning mouth is concealed by smiling flowers. KING.

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  deceiver