14 Verbs to Use for the Word di

"I dunno ez hit's wuf w'ile ter tell you dis," he said, at length.

"I'll git you fuh dis," he wheezed, spitting dust "You did n' fight fair, you" The black chorus rolled their heads and pounded one another in a gale of merriment.

De man doan know how much he miss, Ef he ain't got no niece lak dis; Fro yore Unkel one mo' kiss, Mah 'ittle Touzle Head!

Siddha[.m] sa[.m] 20 gramâ 1 di 10 + 5 ko([t.]i)yato ga[n.]ato (Vâ)[n.]iyato kulato V(ai)r(i)to

Et sans cesse je me dis, 'C'est une punition du Ciel.'" Gabrielle saw that, to the outside world, it was a statement by a frantic mother that her child had caught scarlet-fever.

Life, thou | soul of | every | blessing, Load to | misery | most dis | -tressing, O how | gladly |

Hasn't he told you what ails him?" "Why, massa, taint worf while for to git mad bout de matterMassa Will say noffin at all aint de matter wid himbut den what make him go bout looking dis here way, wid he head down and he soldiers up, and as white as a gose?

"My tear fellow, you shust mind dis.

"Mawse Chawlie," she said again, "w'a's dis I yeh 'bout dat Eu'ope country? 's dat true de niggas is all free in Eu'ope!

I seen dis myself.

"'Tis better dis way.

"Here," said Sam, when Louis was ready to start again, "is something to break your fast, and if you goes dis way you musn't let de white folks know what you's up to, but you trust dis," said he, laying his hand on his own dark skin.

We crossed the Piazza di Spagna, ascended the superb flight of steps of the Trinità de' Monti, where there is a French church called the Church of St Louis: near it is the Villa Medici, which is the seat of the French Academy of the fine arts at Rome.

" Refrain "No, Brother Simmons, we kin safely say, 'Tain't gwine tuh be no rain to-day, Kase da sut ain't fallin' an' da dogs ain't sleep, An' you ain't seen no spiders fum dare cobwebs creep; Las' night da sun went bright to bed, An' da moon ain't nevah once been seen to hang her head; If you'se watched all dis, den you kin safely say, Dat dare ain't a-gwine to be no rain to-day.

14 Verbs to Use for the Word  di