16 Verbs to Use for the Word dirk

That this was a real Indian was beyond dispute, and the crisis admitting of no delay, the old officer drew a dirk, and had already raised his arm to strike, when Joyce arrested the blow.

But Mobley was the last man I should have suspected of carrying a dirk, or if he did packing the gumption to use it.

" He removed the lid and saw within, resting on the cushioned bottom, the image, in myrtle-wax, moulded and painted with some rude skill, of a negro's bloody arm cut off near the shouldera bras coupéwith a dirk grasped in its hand.

White with anger, the boy drove his dirk through the book, nailing it to the desk, and stalked out of the room.

A man named Houver, who claimed as his property two of the boys passengers on board the Pearl, put me some questions in a very insolent tone; to which I replied, that I considered myself a prisoner, and did not wish to answer any questions; whereupon one of the bystanders, flourishing a dirk in my face, exclaimed, "If I was in his place, I'd put this through you!"

Mr. Aiken was pushing a man before him into the room, and holding a dirk at his throat.

"Here, leave me the dirk, but take the sheath.

For shame, Muhmegive me the dirk.

But never mind that, give me pack my dirk, Hugh Morrison, or there will be words petween us.

The Missourian whom I had noticed at table said that this was done so that the wearer of the vest could reach his dirk handily.

We can leave this lumbering Spaniard behind, I have no doubt," and sheathing their dirks, the boys set off at full speed.

Did I bring you up i' the fear o' the Lord to slash at men wi' your dirk an' fight wi' them like a wild limmer?

She tried to slip a dirk into his hands, but he would not have it.

Deliberately, with a steady hand he took the dirk that lay before him; he looked at it wistfully, almost affectionately; for a moment he seemed to collect his thoughts for the last time, and then stabbing himself deeply below the waist in the left-hand side, he drew the dirk slowly across to his right side, and turning it in the wound, gave a slight cut upwards.

Notwithstanding the apparent calm that reigned on all around them, each of these individuals bore a short straight dirk at his girdle; and, as one of them bent over the side of the vessel, the handle of a little pistol was discovered through an opening in the folds of his professional frock.

At the mention of this libel on his mother, the Shedma fellow rushed at the Hhaha man, seizing him by the throat, and unsheathed a dirk to plunge into his bowels.

16 Verbs to Use for the Word  dirk