12 Verbs to Use for the Word discourtesies

You won't think that they meant any discourtesy by leaving?" he added, anxiously.

By this means they forestalled the mute discourtesy of the old Captain's walking away from his secretary to eat.

Fra Giulio did not knownobody knew; he would take courage and plead to be forgiven his manifold "discourtesies" toward this idol of the Servi; it was for this that he was summoned!

The Queen marked his discourtesy, and drew thereto the notice of the King.

" V VILNA, RUSSIA We met our first real discourtesy in Berlin at the hands of a German, and although he was only the manager of an hotel, we lay it up against him and cannot forgive him for it.

She did not seem to notice the discourtesy.

" "I'd rather go with you," hurriedly replied Kurt; and then, as though realizing a seeming discourtesy in his words, his face flamed, and he stammered: "II don't mean that.

My blood was up, and when I saw what it was, I said "I wonder you like to record your own discourtesy, to call it nothing worse.

He will not remember thy discourtesies.

cried Jimmie, always ready to resent any seeming discourtesy to his chum.

Then, to attenuate the discourtesy of such a cry, Beauchene began to jest, and accepted the invitation for a later date when the warm weather should have arrived.

His English fellow-passengers on that splendid liner which a German submarine was to send to the bottom showed him no discourtesy.

12 Verbs to Use for the Word  discourtesies