26 Verbs to Use for the Word distaste

This event gave him a distaste for serious study; and, long before this, he had felt a sentiment, bordering on contempt, for mercantile pursuits; he therefore prevailed upon his father to purchase him a neat country seat in the vicinity of Huntingdon.

Naylor and Doctor Mary felt too much distaste for the chief mourners to attain more than a cold civility.

Previously to her marriage with the Duc de Bar, Madame, the King's sister, had affianced herself to M. de Soissons; but the circumstance no sooner became known to Henry than he expressed his extreme distaste at such an union, and directed the Duc de Sully to expostulate with both parties, and to induce them, should it be possible, to abandon the project, and to give a written promise never to renew their engagement.

Farmer Graystock said something to the touchy rustic that he did not relish, and he writes his distaste in flames.

I conceived a strong distaste for this large and perspiring man, and can congratulate Mr. BLUNDELL on having created a character odious enough to linger in the memory.

" Greatly to the disappointment of M. de Sully, however, he found Henry decidedly averse to the departure of Madame de Verneuil; nor could all the arguments by which he endeavoured to convince the infatuated monarch that the self-exile of the Marquise was calculated to ensure his own future tranquillity, avail to overcome his distaste to the proposal.

" He evidently shared Schopenhauer's distaste for "the low-statured, wide-hipped, narrow-shouldered sex.

Dicky stood just behind her too, also smiling, but while Lillian's merriment evidently was genuine, I detected a distaste for the proceedings behind Dicky's smile, which I knew was forced.

Had my father searched all England through he could not have discovered a set of men, from the captain to the cook's mate, who would have been better calculated to instil in a young man's heart a distaste for Father Neptune and his oceans.

When Salamenes bids him not sheath his sword 'Tis the sole sceptre left you now with safety, the king replies "A heavy one;" and subjoins, as if to conceal his distaste for war, by ascribing a dislike to the sword itself, The hilt, too, hurts my hand.

He was quick enough to fathom my distaste, but he clasped my hand tighter and, bending slightly so that he could look straight into my eyes he said, lazily smiling: "You are the most charming prevaricator I know.

He was "the very prince of good fellows;" had a touch of epicurism, which, without causing any distaste of his own homely fare, made dainties acceptable when they fell in his way; was a most absolute carver; prided himself upon a sauce of his own invention, for fish and game"Hazelby sauce" he called it; and was universally admitted to be the best compounder of a bowl of punch in the county.

His father, having formed a distaste for farming, was desirous that his sons should follow other occupations.

Indeed, it is interesting to note in connection with this subject that the younger school of Irish writers associated with what is called the Celtic Renascence have, with very few exceptions, sedulously eschewed anything approaching to jocosity, preferring the paths of crepuscular mysticism or sombre realism, and openly avowing their distaste for what they consider to be the denationalized sentiment of Moore, Lever, and Lover.

My first meal increased my distaste for my semi-sociological experiment.

The proper course then to take is to intimate her distaste, and the causes that have given rise to it, to her parents or guardian, who will be pretty sure to sympathise with her, and to take measures for facilitating the retirement of the gentleman from his pretensions.

The fifth and sixth volumes deal quite largely enough in mere eccentricity to justify the distaste of any reader upon whom mere eccentricity had begun to pall.

He glanced at his uncle's judicial mask, knowing utterly the distaste for sentimental encounters that it covered.

Her home, the Château de Bécon, is an ideal home for an artist, and one can well understand her distaste for realism and the professional model.

As she emphatically observed, cards were cards: and if I ever saw unmingled distaste in her fine last-century countenance, it was at the airs of a young gentleman of a literary turn, who had been with difficulty persuaded to take a hand; and who, in his excess of candour, declared, that he thought there was no harm in unbending the mind now and then, after serious studies, in recreations of that kind!

When twenty-two, she had acquired a distaste for the dissipations of the court and everything like crowded assemblies.

No wonder; I showed a distaste for society at that time, and went little among the Genevese; besides, I could not speak French.

And if there must be a clearing, let it hold off until the late afternoon, lest it sow too early a distaste for indoors and reading!

" "I am thankful to hear it," said Julius, suppressing his distaste that the man he most reverenced, and the place which was his haven of rest, should be a mere lion for Bee and Conny, a slight pastime before the regimental band!

She could not actively condemn Mrs. Merston's obvious distaste for all that life held for her.

26 Verbs to Use for the Word  distaste