30 Verbs to Use for the Word doest

She hesitated,"If I cannot aid thee, what wilt thou do?" "I must wait and suffer," he said; "for Marina will not yield.

It took many trials before I learned how to knot my sinew thread on the point of my finger, as I saw her do.

" "Then, Edyrn, son of Nudd," replied Geraint, "These two things shalt thou do, or else thou diest.

An' soomtimes the one christening 'ull do for a whole brood; they royal childer has sich a mony names, ye know.

false teaching, do., doubtful, after participles, in what kind of examples found; canon concerning do.

"Even as the king of birds that with unwearied wing soars nearest to the sun, yet wears upon his breast the softest down,"as we learn from no less eminent authority than that of the Lichfield Courier-Herald"so Mr. Charteris is equally expert in depicting the derring-do and tenderness of those glorious days of chivalry, of fair women and brave men, of gentle breeding, of splendid culture and wholesome living.

Each saddle is built for four passengers, sitting dos-a-dos, back to back, two on a side, and a little shelf hangs down to support their feet.

ordinary Calf's Head collar'd to eat hot do.

Employers and employed do, no doubt, find in some trades to-day that their relations are strained and irksome.

If you find any stirring do but say so. Elder Lo.

"'Now,' 'lows de cunjuh man, 'lemme tell you des w'at you is got ter do.

Elles sont, pour l'écriture, de la même main que le voyage de la Brocquière; mais quoique des trois ouvragés celui-ci ait du paroître avant les deux autres, tout trois cependant, soit par economie de reliure, soit par analogie de matières, ont été réunis ensemble; et ils forment ainsi un gros volume in-folio, numéroté 514, relié en bois avec basane rouge, et intitulé au dos, Avis directif de Brochard.

I know thou wouldst do, But farewell Clause, and pray for thy poor Master.

"You don't mean you put up your medal on a crap game, Tump?" "Sho do, black man."

Nigger orchestras played here all the big to-dos among white people.

Hunting only attracts the well-to-do, but all who can hire or borrow even a shandry make a point of not missing the "races.

An' my hea't was beatin' so, When I reached my lady's do',

He says: "I have realized the idealI do."

His time and skill pledged to the oil company he represented, Mr. Gordon had solved the problem of what to do with Betty by sending her to spend the summer with an old childhood friend of his, a Mrs. Peabody who had married a farmer, reputed well-to-do.

al., respecting do. what used to distinguish clause enclosed by, how to be uttered

The competition of laborers for a limited number of places is equivalent to saying that those who secure a living do so at the expense of those who do not.

"Well," said the laundress, "I don't mind washing fur an ordinary man, but I draws de line on circus tents, I sho' do.

Dey eat mit refolfers; dey schleep mit refolfers; dey hunt, dey quarrel, unt sometimes dey shoot each odderde best enactionment vot dey do.

Thus wise are men when they run for corruptible things, and thus shouldst thou do, and thou hast more cause to do so than they, forasmuch as they run for things that last not, but thou for an incorruptible glory.

And noowell, the noo it's when I look in the book and see, maybe a year ahead, a blank week, when I've no singing the do, that I'm pleased.

30 Verbs to Use for the Word  doest