16 Verbs to Use for the Word doubloon

Washington died possessed of property worth about three-quarters of a million, although he began life glad to earn a doubloon a day surveying.

'Oh!' said the captain, 'Mrs. had fortunately enclosed in her order some dozen doubloons which kept the wind from blowing hers away with the rest.'

Instead of finding the doubloons, he again made an address to the blacks, by which they were very much excited.

When a fellow has got half-a-dozen doubloons alongside of his ribs, he can look the landlord full in the eye; and no one thinks of saying to sich as he, 'it's time to think of shipping ag'in.'

He had bought the Sea Lion, engaged Roswell Gardiner, and otherwise expended a large sum of money, in the expectation of handling those doubloons, to say nothing of the furs; and here was a chance of all his calculations being defeated by the interference of impertinent and greedy relatives!

The whole people said it was vitally necessary, and to minister to a vital public necessity,good enough, certainly, and so he laid up many a doubloon, that made him none the worse in the public regard.

Du Guesclin found amongst his Breton friends a portion of the sum he wanted; King Charles V. lent him thirty thousand Spanish doubloons, which, by a deed of December 27, 1367, Du Guesclin undertook to repay; and at the beginning of 1368 the Prince of Wales set the French warrior at liberty.

The poor fellow had, doubtless, seen some one pass a doubloon, and had mistaken his penny for one; as a doubloon is about the price given for a musket in our regulated list of charges.

And Sir Thomas paid him wella doubloon ($8.24) for each day, and more than that if the work was very hard.

" And Tom Chist, as he rattled in his breeches pocket the half-dozen doubloons he had kept out of his treasure, felt that what his friend had said was true.

The Moor whose thought and genius wrought those works for many moons Received each day a princely payfive hundred gold doubloons Each day he left his labor deft, his guerdon was denied; Nor less he lost than his labor cost when he his hand applied.

Her face was as yellow as though it reflected the countless doubloons of her treasury.

" "A calamity I should deplore, quite or nearly as much as thyself," returned Myndert, affecting to laugh; though he slipped the suspected doubloon into the bag again, in a manner that at once removed the object of contention from view.

Yes, I remember that he spoke of them guineasthree thousand and odd, and nearly as many doubloons!" "Was Daggett, then, a pirate, sir?for they who make free with the goods of others on the high seas are neither more nor less than pirates.

As for the deacon, he really thought it would be unseemly, and of evil example, for Daggett to converse with Dr. Sage, touching these doubloons, of the Lord's day: while he had felt no scruples himself, a short hour before, to make them the theme of a long and interesting discussion, in his own person.

Besides this, when I came to the till in the chest, I found there three great bags of pieces-of-eight, which held about eleven hundred pieces in all; and in one of them, wrapped up in a paper, six doubloons of gold, and some small bars or wedges of gold; I suppose they might all weigh near a pound.

16 Verbs to Use for the Word  doubloon