11 Verbs to Use for the Word douceurs

"Oh even-handed justice!" I do not pretend to decide whether the English are virtually more gentle in their nature than the French; but I am persuaded this douceur, on which the latter pride themselves, affords no proof of the contrary.

Like the bravos of old"was it she who spoke bitterly now?"Sonia Turgeinov is, at least, true to him who has given her the little douceur.

We bought a lithographed print of the church and its environs for half a franc, from our round-backed guide, besides depositing a "douceur" in his horny palm, and consequently parted with him on the best of terms.

"Tell me I well earned the douceur?

To what other uneasy couch the good man is hastening, when he slips out of his chamber, folding up his thin douceur so carefully for fear of rustlingis no speculation which he can at present entertain.

The wariness of the envoys made Talleyrand's agents the more insistent about getting the "douceur."

Both Felix, the Finn, and my host, the wood-cutter, had received their douceurs and left, but to the last-named I had given instructions to return home at once and report by telegraph any news of my lost one.

You see how well he has succeeded, and now I think the least you can do is to refund the douceur to me."

I shall pay off two obligations at onceto say nothing of Monsieur Choucru's six-fold subscription to the P.C., on which the publishers will allow me a douceur of thirty francs.

Mr. Garie paid him, as he had no time to parley, and barely succeeded in slipping a douceur into the steward's hand, when the boat pushed off from the pier.

Bourguignon, cette question- m'annonce que, suivant la coutume, tu arrives avec l'intention de me dire des douceurs: n'est-il pas vrai? DORANTE.

11 Verbs to Use for the Word  douceurs